Using almost 100% GPU during flights

Hello Pilots :wink:
I have question regarding my system:

My GPU is a 2070 Super and I have set MSFS 2020 to “High” (shadows a bit less).

Now when I activate the NVidia Power Overlay I can see that MSFS is using around 25% of my CPU and almost always around 95 - 99% of my GPU.
Watching via MSI Afterburner after my GPU temperature gives me quite a stable 75° C.

I am now a bit worried that this might not be that good for my GPU… Should I reduce quality even more or would you say that this should not affect the longevity of my GPU?

Thanks for your kind feedback!


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I believe this is normal. My 3080 is around 95% or higher on Ultra. I paid for all that extra power and might as well be using it!


95%-99% on the GPU sounds like it is pretty much in the sweet spot. 75 degrees stable is nothing to be concerned about assuming sufficient cooling is there.

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I see - thanks a lot guys! Since it is not exactly easy to replace the card - this makes me feel much better :wink:

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Cooling is fine - I’m always running a big-tower with lot’s of fans :wink:


running hard shouldnt bother a gpu, as you stated the temps, you have decent enough cooling to prevent damage from that

i do tend to set my game settings so i have a bit of ‘slack’ - by that i mean i dont care for the gpu (or cpu for that matter) to be ‘pegged’ during ‘regular gameplay’
i like the gpu/cpu to have a little extra for those high load areas like photogrametry and MP groups, it likely isnt ‘bad’ on the hardware but i just dont want ‘static or freezes’ because the cpu/gpu become momentarily overwhelmed in high load areas


I got that - thanks EzRyder! I don’t mind that much if I get a bit of stutter in high def areas - and it seems that the card is doing fine - so - all fine then :wink:

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Everything ok mate.

No need. You can limit fps via nvidia control panel.


Thanks for your tipps!


I wish I could get 100% usage. My 3080 never gets above 75% or so. Usually it’s around 65%. Running a mix of high / ultra settings at 1440p. Fps is usually in the high 40’s low 50’s. Drops into the high 30’s at times on the ground.

I’m main thread limited with my 3700x, so I’m assuming that’s why my gpu usage can’t be pushed any higher.

I have the same CPU - it’s idling at around 25% ^^

It is not. Open Taskmanager and click on the performance tab, then at the bottom you can open performance monitor. You will see that one of your CPU cores is almost maxed out, while others arent.
This means, the overall usage is 25% but one core is at almost 100%.

thats a MSFS problem, the most intense threads only run on one core instead of beiing spread out over all the cores.

This is also the reason that i dont think throwing a lot of money on a nex i9-12900K is worth it. It will not do much as long as we are limited by only one CPU core.


Perfectly normal. I want to use every bit of my 3090. Just keep an eye on temps.

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3090 always at 99% with mixed settings in VR.

Even an GPU with the power of two 3090’s will gently glow with msfs :wink:


You can for sure by using all the tweaks (e.g. SVM off in bios, AMD high powerplan etc.) and then of course there’s overclocking your cpu. I’d hazard a guess you can get that 3080 up to around 85%.

If the MainThread is not limited then I almost always can get the GPU to hit close to %100 as it tries to increase frame rate.

If the frame rate your getting exceeds your monitor refresh rate you may want to consider limiting the frame rate.


I actually just turned up my render scale to 150 and I’m at 85% or so average now. Honestly, FPS is barley any lower and much more consistent now with very small dips and peaks, as opposed to the more drastic ones I would get. It feels smoother overall.

Clouds cost most turn them down

Today’s GPUs can happily run all day at 100% if they don’t get too hot and the worst that can happen is they will start throttling back. Obviously ventilation and cooling is important as continuous running at max temperatures will gradually degrade performance and shorten it’s lifespan.

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I am running this on all ULTRA with 2070s (except the new LOD option, I keep it to 200) and have not seen the GPU running even close to 100%, yet I have had since SU5 very stable framerates in the 40s.

Just realized I had 30fps limit set in the Nvidia control panel, this is how it looks like with that removed