Hello fellow simmers, it has recently come to my attention of some problems using a keyboard or joystick button as brakes.
Although I have a joystick I do not have a pair of rudder pedals, so I use the trigger button on my joystick as aircraft brakes. When I press the brake button nothing happens for a 1 or 2 seconds and then the brakes will fully engage which often causes the aircraft to come to complete stop.
This was not the case in FSX, Prepar3D, (X-Plane), using a button as a brake would apply smooth progressive braking not go from 0 to 100% brakes.
Please could this be addressed, as it worked fine in FSX I’m sure it is not that difficult to rectify.
If anyone knows has to get around this please feel free to share.
I don’t know how it “should” work. ideally you would use a dedicated axis for a smooth braking action. When you use a button, there is only 0 or 100. This is how it was for me in X-plane. You can get used to it. I don’t hold the button unless I’m wanting full brakes. I push and release repeatedly.
I think so but I’m not at my game computer right now. I like a simple setup though, so I just use the joystick trigger button. As I said, you can get used to it. I guess if you have a spare slider somewhere you can bind brakes to that.
Joystick trigger button works just fine. That was my configuration in FSX and MSFS with my old Sidewinder Precision Pro (non-FF) and now with TCA Airbus Controller.
Gently squeezing the trigger does get me incremental braking. In much the same way as ground vehicle handling, reducing throttle (if no reverser available) plus cycling the brakes ON/OFF with rapid squeezes will also get me stopped quickly.
You may have multiple controls bound - or you may want to check Windows Game Controller applet to confirm that trigger squeezes are registering as intended without any latency.
My apologies, I think I have found the cause, the Fly By Wire A320. In the default A320 the braking works as intended but in the FBWA320 Development pressing the brakes button does nothing for 2 seconds and then the brakes are fully applied.
I’ll chase this up with the team. I don’t know whether your able to verify this but thank you!
That’s because the FlyByWire version actually models the hydraulic system, as it should. I use this one and, as I keep saying, you can get used to it.
I use the same (trigger on joystick, or for left/both/right on the keyboard I use , . / ), but from what I’ve seen the sim ramps up braking from zero to 100 over a couple of seconds. Unlike FSX where as soon as you clicked you’d get 100% braking effect. So I find I need to hold and release and repeat that to get the desired braking amount. I get a similar result from the keyboard inputs.
I don’t use the FBW A320, just saying that neither the FBW A320 nor any of the default aircraft should have such a delay when applying brakes using a key binding. Imagine having such a delay when in need of max braking in case of a rejected take-off at V1 for example. I’m wondering if the delay is there when using brake pedals.
If the FBW A320 has a large delay between application of wheel brakes and actual deceleration as you say (just like the default A320 and other default aircraft are suffering from) then this is wrong behavior or a weird design choice and has nothing to do with having a hydraulic system properly modelled or not. I don’t use the FBW A320 so just based on your comment. I doubt this has something to do with the FBW A320 though, the default A320 and all other default plane suffer from this long delay during brake application, that is why I came here to leave a vote. Did anyone check how the brakes respond when using brake pedals? Is it behaving the same as when using key binding?
I would love to see an option similar to what x-plane did. They had a command for light braking that was good for taxing and such, and then another button command was for normal braking like what we have now.