Using multiple controllers on Xbox

I have the Xbox controller and the Thrustmaster HOTAS One connected. They both “sort of” work but there seem to be problems. For example, brakes are toggled with the X button on Xbox controller but on the HOTAS it is the A button (which is what the AI assistant tells you to use). Therefore, I cannot seem to toggle the brakes using the Xbox controller as A button controls the engine (and it works) and X does not toggle. Perhaps this isn’t supposed to work and I should stop trying, but that would be nice to know.

You will want to go into the controller setup and remove the bindings from the controller you do not want to use those functions on. In your example you will want to either remove the binding for brakes from the controller the HOTAS for those functions.

OK. So you can’t control the same function (e.g., brakes) from both controllers even though each one has its own mappings?

Because the xbox sees the HOTAS as another controller, if you wanted both controllers to work, you would want to make sure the bindings are the same on both, remap both so that A is brakes for example.

@Skedge7226 you solved my problem/question but there is still something I don’t understand. MSFS knows which controller is sending a command (I can customize each independently) but then why do the mappings have to be the same on each? That is, why can’t X from the Xbox controller control the brakes and A from HOTAS does the same?

I would speculate that although the game can differentiate between controllers during configuration that it is possible on some level once in flight it only can tell that X has been pressed. But to be honest I really do not know the answer to that question with any certainty.

You can use both controller at the same time, just look up the copilot function in the Xbox settings

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