Using VR, the Toolbar Windows are Reset every time you exit the Cockpit view

Has anyone else had a problem where you suddenly cannot interact with the (open) toolbar windows at all? It has only started happening to me since beta. I am using the VR controllers, can’t be sure if it only happens when using them. It is quite annoying and hard to fix, it normally requires at least reopening the toolbar menu and interacting with that.

I fully agree

I can confirm this, before, we would see the panels fly behind the airplane when switching to view outside the plane, now they just disappear and then reappear and completely reset themselves rather than staying where we put them. (vr mode for me)

Since Sim Update 8 Beta Version all the bugs are fixed. Only the log showing after full systems fix still is bad. Please remove the pop-up & auto exit so all doors, windows stay open as I opened them after landing please. Brakers VR immersion.


I have to disagree with the saving of the Window Position in at least for me. It is fixed if you are moving to external cameras and come back into the cockpit. But if you open a window from the taskbar (no matter if you assigned a joystick key like me for it or click it with your mouse) / move it somewhere, then close it and open it again, the window postition is resetted directly in front of your face again.
It was not like this before SU 8. Then it was only resseted if you were starting a new flight/session, which is normal then I think.


Actually windows were not ‘flying away’, they were keeping their position as your plane was flying away.

It doesn’t really change the issue which I agree, was 10000 times better than the reset position we now have. :slightly_smiling_face:

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