Using VR, the Toolbar Windows are Reset every time you exit the Cockpit view


Are you on Xbox, Steam or Microsoft Store version? STEAM

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? NO

Brief description of the issue:

When using VR the Toolbar Windows are Reset every time you exit the Cockpit Camera to view via the External/Drone Cameras. Upon Returning to the Cockpit the Toolbar Windows are all back to the Default central position - so you have to move them back every single time. This is a Regression from all pervious versions/updates and requires a fix please, thank you

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered: No need, above is explanation enough

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered: Open a Toolbar Window, Move it somewhere, go to the Showcase (Drone) Camera, go back to the Cockpit Camera - Toolbar window is back to the default position

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant: WMR - HP Reverb G2


See my post in SU8 VR survey.

Major issues experienced on first flight using the SU8 Beta.

I am so annoyed right now.

My Joystick (thrustmaster airbus edition) now works beautifully, wherever my mouse is inside cockpit. Absolutely delighted.

My Throttle Quadrant (Airbus editionTCA Quadrant) now works beautifully, wherever my mouse is inside cockpit. Absolutely delighted.

My Rudder pedals (CH pro pedals) totally stop responding as soon as my mouse hovers over any window opened in VR.

The above issue was the worst of all the “mouse over window” controls locking up issues, as it is almost impossible to taxi on the ground and make ATC calls at the same time ! without veering off course.

Why have you solved two peripherals but not the rudders?

Another major issue i experienced was, after switching to an outside view midflight, all my carefully positioned and sized windows (ATC, littlenavmap, objectives, enhanced VFR map etc)
returned to their default position and sizes ! A right pain in the ____!

What happened there?

I am sure that a lot of effort has been made to release this beta in lots of areas other than VR and I am grateful for every fix and modification, but to be honest I only really had one major issue with the sim since SU7 in VR and you have still not addressed it and you’ve added a new one to boot.


Without wanting to sound emotional, I am absolutely fed up with this ! We’ve waited 3 months for this and this happens. Absolutely gutted !!

Please don’t make us wait till the next update to solve these issues. It just wouldn’t be fair.


I feel and totally understand your frustration, I’m currently biting my tongue very very hard so as not to say something…

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Me too. LNM and Ingamepanels windows relocate upon leaving the cockpit and returning - a major PITA!

Same issue. I haven’t seen any proper fix yet in VR. QA is non-existent, there is no other explanation…


+1 with the same problem. Also experiencing stutters that I did not have before.

Try this. This should fix the stuttering High Manipulators thread usage when Audio device is set to "Default" - #27 by mhmaliniak

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I have the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke & Bravo Throttle + Trustmaster TCA Airbus stick as rudder.
The improvements in Beta SU8 is that in VR the top menu windows are not visible anymore in external view (that’s a fix) and when you are active or hovering in those windows you keep control of Throttle (that’s a fix) but it still not possible to use rudder (major problem and not fixed).
Switching from external view to internal cockpit view all windows like ATC … are placed in your face center front and have to place them every time back where you want them (huge problem and annoying). Please MS / Asobo restore all windows without closing them and starting them again switching from external view back to internal view. This way is not the way to fix the still visible windows in external view. This is the same way you badly fixed the log not showing on shutting down all systems and engines after landing. Log still pop ups and you close it immediately but all doors & windows still close instead keeping them open the way I left them. These ways of bad fixes breaks entire VR immersion. Current VR fixes in Beta SU8, the good and the bad - YouTube

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Same here (steam beta)

I think that’s a side effect of the devs trying to fix the toolbar windows (previously remaining visible on the outside cameras), now I think they were made to be closed when you exit the cockpit, and reopen again once inside, but their positions and size need to be restored.

Please Asobo ! that’s a high priority anomaly IMHO, a fix is needed before SU8, otherwise the VR experience is ruined

Big thanks by the way for this wide scale open beta approach. :+1:


I have a problem with those windows like Navigraph toolbars, when using mouse middle of map it’s okey but when moving cursor top of the window “toolbar”, it’s disappears and clicking like waypoint is impossible.

This is really annoying but i did not expect anything different.
I hope they don’t release something like this as final, this would kill the experience complete.
What annoys me the most is the fact that i cannot save the VR position i adjusted for every plane in the cockpit, this would be essential for doing nice flights. But no, wonder if they don’t care how you sit in each plane. :roll_eyes:

Sorry for going a little off-topic…how do you guys get LNM to show in VR?
Btw…you got my vote on this…

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I would be great if the windows positions are persistent between flights.
This should be separate for 2D and VR.
Before every VR flight I have to spend 5 min. to carefully position:

  • Navigraph window (in front of me, kind of on my knees)
  • 3rd party PDF viewer window (to my left)
  • 3rd party scratchpad window (on my virtual lap)

I use this package FlightSim.Com - Rafael Santos - Ingamepanels Pack 6in1 for MSFS

Enhanced VFR map and Metar viewer are also nice additions. The VR navmap window is functional but not in the same way as actual Littlenavmap. You can’t create flight plans but you can observe a flightplan and your position on the moving map of your flight plan. There is also a nice window showing your flight plan legs and all the data about each waypoint etc. which I try and use to navigate without any maps when I am feeling adventurous.

My windows reset every time I close and open them. This is especially annoying with ATC. I open ATC, drag the window to one side, talk to ATC, close the window, open it again to reply, bang! it appears again in the centre of my vision.

Thanks @Jummivana! We count on you to report back to the dev team that this bug is killing the VR experience as a whole! so if -for watever reason- a solution can not be provided on time, we’d like to revert back to the previous behaviour (I’m confident that everyone here agree with me, otherwise feel free to correct me)


Totally agree. Windows flying off into space when switching to outside view, was a million times better than what we have now in SU8 beta.