Does anyone know how to fix the amd equivalent at all using freesync? Do we have to turn freesync off and use the in game vsync? I’m getting 30-40 FPS using the A320NX. Thanks
It’s in my VR glasses tearing so bad that I get MOTION SICK just taxing on the runway.
I had already set my VR graphic FS settings to as much minimum as possible and the tearing is still there.
I enabled v-sync in FS and / or in nvidia setting. No difference.
It used to be all smooth flying before the UK updated.
Can anyone help?
On the other hand I don’t have tearing when I fly without my VR glasses.
Good point that you raise here to complement the strange MSFS VSYNC behaviour.
I also have this issue of bad performance+stuttering when I pop out Inspector and Project window in the scenery mode. And I’m struggleing finding something efficient to have a constant fluid fps. I use to have VSYNC ON Limit fps to 30 but it doesn’t work anymore.
FPS assigned to the sim is shared amongst all its windows. If you lock yourself at 30 fps, you’re going to have a BAD time with frame rates if you pop out instruments. You already lose up to 10 fps popping windows out in the first place. Using VSync at 30 is basically shooting yourself in the foot at that point.
I run an MFD and PFD on separate monitors with Air Manager as per the image below. If I set my VSync to 30 fps, it gives me a whopping 5-7 fps per window, making the sim unplayable.
For GSYNC you don’t need VSYNC enabled in the CP or ingame. Technically you also want your FPS capped slightly below your max refresh rate when using GSYNC to avoid any input lag. This shouldn’t be an issue in MFS though as the FPS is typically very low. I cap at 60 FPS for consistency even though i’m 1080p on a 240Hz GSYNC. Updating now… Hope they didn’t break it =)
I just updated my nivida driver to the latest version 461.40 (GeForce Game Ready Driver) and that seemed to help a little bit. Not perfect but much better.
Is this why I’m seeing terrain tearing as well, or is that something else. I noticed the other day that windowed mode helped. Thanks for explaining why.
I’ve been on this driver for a bit now, and it tears for me unless Vsync is on and/or I’m in windowed mode. I’m also getting tearing on the terrain too, which for the life of me I can’t figure out.
No terrain tearing is something completely different. There is a thread in the bugs and issues subforum. I first saw and reported it post USA update but someone on that thread indicated that they had seen it before that update. One thing for sure in my experience the UK is now showing more of these anomalies since the UK update.
I noticed it only occurs when flying below mountain peaks so in the valleys. Perhaps this is why not many folk seem to have noticed it!
I’m wondering technically why you’re saying this… Do you know why? Or is your answer just based on experience. Experience is not an invalid answer, but I was hoping maybe you knew technically why it kills your framerate.
Don’t know if it’s going to be helpful but I get my 30 fps with VSYNC ON in MSFS.
Previously, I was with nvidia 460.89 version drivers (with RTX 3080) because MSFS Scenery Editor freezed with 461.40 driver. VSYNC ON limited to 30 fps didn’t work.
Today, I installed 461.40 (the latest at date) with a clean install. Now MSFS VSYNC ON at 30 ftps works as expected. In Scenery Editor mode I can move windows out of my main MSFS window with freezing the game and just loosing 5 fps. NB: my nvidia CP and MSFS profil are restored to default.
Well… my system was happier with the older method (RX480 8Gb, R5-1600@3.8, 16Gb 3200 Mhz) with vsync off it was smooth and no tearing. Now with with vsync off I have a lot of tearing, with vsync on I get a noticeable fps hit, the only way to get the previous smoothness is windowed mode, but I don’t like windowed mode
Radeon enhanced sync does a good job but still a little tearing.
Is there a way to have DWM working on full screen ?