V1.13.16.0 - screen tearing not a bug but a design change

Experience mate. If I enable Vsync I lose like 20+ FPS. I might know some technical details, or maybe not. It was a sincere question though and that was why I was asking. I got confused with the new knowledge added by the author of the thread.

It was a good question, and mine was sincere, too. There’s nothing wrong with experience. I was just wondering if you knew the technical reason. 'tis all.

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Turning vsync off on my Nvidia panel had no effect. However, turning it off in MSFS settings has solved tearinig issue. Have not noticed fps loss.

Turning Vsync on in the Nvidia Control Panel fixed it for me. I already had my frames limited in the Control Panel. Did not turn Vsync on in the sym.

Thanks for the help.


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