V1 -Rotate callout issue

When i take off v1 and rotate and then i can hear it she saying that for almost 20 sec and then becomes quiet, how can i fix this? it verry annoying

Not sure what you mean?

Please explain.


I mean when is her tell me v1 and rotate so its saying over and over the same thing even after i routing

it seems thereā€™s a language barrierā€¦ we cannot understand what your issue isā€¦ do you mean v1 and rotate?


yes i mean

Do you know what the problem ?

What plane are you flying?

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Iā€™m guessing the Topic Author is referring to the AI Co-Pilot making the ā€œV1ā€ and "Rotateā€™ reference speed calls during take-off. Not sure why there is a loss of audio after that though.

what plane has a co-pilot who says that? I donā€™t remember in any plane someone give those calls


Loss of audio? Letā€™s not infer whatā€™s going on otherwise weā€™ll end up with chinese whispers. :slight_smile:

@Radvinboy12 you say the noise repeats and then stops. Rotate is called out by the AI co-pilot once you reach the rotate speed of the aircraft which is the speed you are meant to lift off from the runway so you are ā€˜rotatingā€™ the controls back to lift the aircraft.

You should be gaining speed all the time so you should be moving past the rotate speed so you should only hear this called out once. Do you have full movement of the throttle? Are you using a default plane or an add-on plane?

If this is repeating, it sounds like a bug and should be raised as an issue and reported to Zendesk, is there a way you can provide a recording of the sound or video as evidence?

I have not had this problem before . I use fbw A32NX Thanks for the answer but what do i need to use be able to record it?

If you are using the FBW A320Nx, you might get more info/help from their discord site.

But i have the same problem with the default plane.

Iam gonna send a video soon

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Or you could temporarily post the issue in your preferred language so we can translate

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Did you pull back on the stick to take off, or did you just accelerate enough to come off the runway on itā€™s own?

Of course i do pull back but , but it does not matter when it starts to say so it just continues

This time just say rotate but it usually also says v1 rotate, this started the last few days now

Never heard these callouts in FBW. Is that a mod?

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I was thinking that if you hadnā€™t pulled on the stick, it may not have seen the ā€œrotateā€ and was still calling for it.

Have you checked your ā€œsound devicesā€ in MS settings?