Valve Index - Screen Tearing

Is anyone else getting unplayable screen tearing using a Valve Index or any other headset?

I’ve tried turning every setting down to the lowest it will go thinking it was an FPS issue - it was not. I’ve also tried changing the SteamVR settings to different refresh rates but that did not seem to make a difference. Everything is just wobbly and nothing I’ve tried changing fixed it.

Does anyone have any other ideas of things to try? It would be much appreciated!

I’m using an Index and haven’t noticed tearing. I get the best performance using 120hz. Reprojection will kick in and keep me at 60hz most of the time. It will dip and come back depending on my settings, but I try to keep the 60 target. 80 and 90 hz are all over the place and performance is terrible along with 144. I’m using 2080 ti and 3900x.

Also I use the Fast setting in the Nvidia control panel under Vertical Sync.

Of course performance varies wildly depending on where I fly and the airplane. No matter what settings I try it’s really bad with any airplane that has a screen in the cockpit.

Make sure Motion Smoothing is disabled. Wobbly is exactly how I would describe Motion Smoothing bugging out.

I’ll try both of those settings! Thanks for that.

That sounds like reprojection artifacts to me. Check your Steam VR settings and make sure motion smoothing is off. You’ll want to check the Global settings as well as the Per Application settings.

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Tried changing V-sync to fast and turned off motion smoothing - seemed to do the trick! Thank you guys so much. Looks pretty ■■■■ cool.

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