The Wheel on the right can confuse us.
Don’t let it confuse you.
Ignore it.
Click the “Search by Input” box.
Click a button/axis and see what control is mapped to that
You may get a list of controls mapped to that button/axis.
To delete a control mapped to that button/axis,
type the control in the “Search box”.
Its mapped button/axis is displayed.
Click the wheel and then the delete icon on the right.
Return (Back).
To map a button/axis to a control, type the controls name
in the “Search” box.
Click the mapped button/axis column on the right and then
press a button or move an axis.
If there is a button/axis mapped, the new assignment will
and a + to that existing button/axis mapped.
Like a keyboard action like Space + F.
To prevnt this , delete whatever is mapped first, then map your new button/axis.
If the control does not display, it is not mapped. (Assigned)
Click "Filter = “None”.
Search will display it. You can map it now.