Velocity One flight stick - nose up/down reversed

Hi All, have been unable to find fix in other posts.
Velocity One flight stick - unable to reverse the axis in settings (this option is greyed out for me). Stick forward - nose up, stick back - nose down.
Very frustrating after a long wait for 2024. Flight stick worked perfectly in MSFS 2020.
I also did not see an option to bring across bindings and control setting from 2020 to 2024.
Please help in resolving this issue. All suggestions will be appreciated. Cheers

By chance do you have it bound to a digital input rather than an axis.

Hi @TinJungle791349, will log in tonight to confirm. Could you please clarify what you mean by ‘digital input / axis’?

Here’s two pics, they are not the actual settings for the elevators but show the two of the types of inputs I was referring to. It’s easy to accidentally pick the wrong type. Digital is for button or switch that is just on or off. The elevator needs an analog type. Double check what you have selected.

The arrows are for what I am referring to don’t pay any attention to the actual settings names I just quickly sent them as I am not at my PC.

Here’s a good video that helps with understanding this confusing new settings menu.

Hope that helps.

Reverce Axis.
Settings, Settings general, Controls,
Device list chose ‘VeloCityOne Flight’
Flight Controls Surfaces, Primary control Surfaces, chose the axis you need and go to the setting icoon and at ‘Set inverted axis’ check it.

@TinJungle791349 your advice and that video made a big difference! Just managed my first flight and control surfaces working as they should (just some fine tuning). Really appreciate it! Cheers

Glasd that you got things working !

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