is there a port to attach Thrustmaster Rudder pedals?
Thanks James - very helpful.
Follow up - do the mounting screw holes you mention conform to any current standard? I’m looking to buy a stand for this and they come with the predrilled holes to mount steering wheels etc.
when will the velocity one be available for canada?
Thanks a lot James, I really hope it will not be difficult to stick the throttle quadrant somewhere closer to the pilot, as the more I watch VelocityOne videos/photos, the more I think the throttle is too far from the Yoke. And here in France, where I live (Bordeaux) I am pretty sure I will never be able to test a VelocityOne in a shop, as we never see this kind of accessories in demonstration.
Had a reply from the design team. The screws are 5mm diameter and the holes are in a triangle. I will try to get hold of a photo if I can. I’m honestly not sure whether or not they conform to any standard but we do plan to release a Turtle Beach V1 stand soon too. The stand will have clearance holes, and the screws that come with V1 would fit through the stand and screw into the holes I mentioned in the base. So if you can wait for that, it’s compatibility guaranteed.
There isn’t a specific port to attach third party rudder pedals to the yoke, no. We will be releasing a set of rudder pedals soon too, which will be the perfect complement to V1F. However, V1F should work alongside most other third party devices as long as they are both compatible with the simulator software and set up / connected individually.
Make sure to check the YouTube reviews so you can see them in use for yourself! There haven’t been any released yet, but there will be in the coming couple of weeks.
Any idea when a user guide will be published? Would be nice to read some more details other than the marketing material.
Full support docs and manuals etc. should be released on the website on 14 Nov, which is the official release date. In the meantime, there’s a few more details on the product page!
James, is there anyone I’d be able to contact about getting a review unit? The Inquiries email at TB has gone unanswered and I was just wondering if we could coordinate something like this.
Thanks for your patience, unfortunately the list was finalised last week and some of the units are on their way as we speak. I’ll make sure to publicise other opportunities like this on our Reddit and Discord in the future so keep an eye out for those!
Will the Best Buy release be the 14th as well? My preorder on that has changed to no release date.
The TB release date hasn’t changed, still 14 Nov. I can’t say definitively for other suppliers, best to contact Best Buy to confirm.
A few Canadian friends have asked the same question! I’m chasing it for you and will let you know when I have a response.
Hello James, thank you for inputting into the forum and being willing to respond to queries.
I have a query of my own; can you tell us when the purchased units will actually ship?
The release date is 14th (being Sunday which is odd in itself) but will customers be receiving the controller on Monday?
How can this work in combination with an autopilot? Axes in the sim are settable from -16384 to 16384, they are always absolute. Otherwise they are no axes but work as buttons like on the HC Bravo unit. My concern is that if it‘s a real axis it will overwrite the aircraft‘s elevator trim axis everytime it spikes and lead to a dive or climb in simpler sim aircraft or to a disengaged autopilot in more sophisticated addons. If it doesn‘t spike it will cause a dive/climb as soon as the AP gets turned off and the in-sim trim axis snaps to match the hardware. The only way a hardware trim control can be an axis is when it comes driven by a motor.
Hi Steve, happy to help!
Best to contact the individual supplier if you’ve pre-ordered from a store. If you’ve pre-ordered from our website, the unit officially releases on 14 Nov, as you rightly said. So I believe units will begin shipping on the Sunday, and should arrive depending on how long delivery takes.
Without looking into specific cases or customer areas, I’d estimate the first ones will be arriving at customers doors within the next 5-10 days. Depending on location and supplier that you purchased from, this may be different. Hope that helps answer your question.
Thanks James.
I bought direct from Turtlebeach U.K., so I’ll be looking forward to receiving it next week.
Interesting, I believe it’s something the dev team has considered, and designed the solution into the device with a combination of trim wheel hardware / key bindings in profiles.
I will ask them, and I’ll have a look with my unit in the meantime and let you know.
When can we expect to see reviews, reviews are already out for the Thrustmaster yoke and there pre orders were later than Turtle Beach. I have mine pre ordered from Turtle Beach, but still like to see it working in game.