Lost count on how many time I’d changed or added something to it. But man it’s fun and I love it. Been lucky I think and have had almost zero issues since launch with the game. Stepped away for a few months this year to do some sim racing and came back and had issues with stutters with the g1000 popouts. Switched to dx12 and has been smoothing flying. Added another light strip for the bravo and made some custom labels for my saitek panels. Those are version 1 for sure and will prob have more tinkering eventually. Was able to have the switch panel with the sr22 layout and made another for the kodiak that sits pretty good on top of it when I fly it.
Very nice indeed! What a fun hobby. You wont get lost with that large map!
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Very nice setup! Well done!
What kind monitors and system are you using for PFD and MFD?
Elecrow 10.1 touch screen from Amazon. Liked the smaller footprint but sometimes wish had larger to throw few more things up
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