Very abrupt weather (wind) transition. Erratic wind behavior (Still present after AAU 1)

Yet another incident about 120nm NW of LEBL/BCN at FL320 in the Fenix A320. Massive weather shift propelled the airplane in half a second more than 1,000 feet and kicked off the autopilot.

Can someone from Asobo/Metoblue/whoever please respond? If this is the one option we’re stuck with for live weather and no third parties can improve upon it, shouldn’t it be… good?

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I think it helps the devs if you mention what time it happens in Zulu-time :slight_smile: Well, i feel it’s really simple to re-produce though. Fly at high altitudes at 17:00Z. I think there is 3 more times per day when the data updates.

For me it doesn’t matter what Zulu time… that’s what I wrote above. For example today I got this bug 11Z, but 18 minutes later the sim time turned into 8:00:00Z and got once again…
If you don’t play real time you’ve get this s* twice. It’s not two or three times a day anymore

Well, i can for sure repeat the issue every day at exact same time if i want to. At 17:00Z it changes and then 20 minutes later 17:20z it switches back to the winds i had before the change.

edit: You are correct though that it would switch 8 times per day if we count 17:00z and 17:20z as two. But i only counted those as 1. My bad :rofl: It hink it happens around every 6 hours. I’ve seen it happen 17:00z, 17:20Z 23:00Z and 23:20Z real world time. I have not tested 05:00z and 11:00Z. But you experienced it at 11Z you said?

I can confirm, 11Z and 17Z were the worse for a long period. But now it does happen (at least with me) literally any whole hour, even if the sim and real time doesn’t match. It can be 15:39Z but if the time turns in the sim into o’clock, there is a big chance of this. Pretty sure the windy condition over Eu make things worse.
Here is an evidence (sorry for the quality, it was saved from HDR gameplay)
16:26Z bottom right corner, the time in the sim 7Z and check the PFD… I am affected in the worse case scenario twice per hour not just the times you mentioned. And I’ve got the bug again, when it hit 17Z that day and once again, when it turned to 8Z in the sim

Are your local time zulu? I’m zulu +1. My local time right now is 20:14 and zulu is 19:14 right now.

When i recorded my video above i showed zulu time.

Zulu Time

Yep, livin’ in UK, that’s a Zulu time during winter

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Right :slight_smile: I will take note of the time when it’s happening for me next time again :slight_smile: I think they could start fix those confirmed times though. A good start i bet.

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Here I am again @Perrry :slight_smile:
Took off from LPPT in a steady weather 4.10pm. I was checking AI’s landing behaviour when separation is bit tight, then I noticed a strong uplift. Jumped back, the simulator time was 12:00:02 and you can see the steep acceleration (couldn’t affect height much as I was climbing hard). If it was a landing, I would have been doomed. Once again, the weather was calm and the speed starts to go back ‘normal’ straight after. This is what I have to deal with :man_shrugging: :neutral_face:
(make sure you set the resolution 2k)

and here’s the BIG 17z smooth weather transition in the same flight

I managed to sort out all my issues with ALT+F4


Awesome test! i think that confirms 17:00Z. I bet it were not that hard to reproduce?

was hard… as it makes me really upset every time :joy:
On a serious note no, it wasn’t of course. I don’t believe this bug gets the attention from the developers

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I bet it will when they start working on it. I think as soon as they start working on it the state will change to “bug logged”.


This has been an issue since SU5 ish. There has been *FIVE updates since then. This should be at the top of the list in my opinion.


I’m amazed that we’re still coming back here with this. I remember making a post about 15 months ago with the exact same issue and I’ll say now what I said then, if Asobo aren’t capable or do not have the manpower to build a working live wx system then they need to hand it off to third party developers like HiFi.

For the very small minority that say that the wind shifts up at high levels in real life, it does but never even close to the extent it does during a high level flight in MSFS. It doesn’t just shift from a 120kt headwind to a 8kt tailwind instantly as it does here. On the Airbus this ends up activating the overspeed protection system every time which is not fun while on VATSIM.

On the plus side, I’m getting very good at high level stall and overspeed recovery actions seeing as I have to do it 4 or 5 times a flight, every single time.


Is anyone else having a issue the past few days with wind in live weather constantly fluctuating +/- 10 knots very quickly at all altitudes? The wind fluctuations are happening so fast, the wind speed on the navigation display looks like a millisecond clock. This has been causing constant moderate turbulence everywhere in the sim. This may not be the right thread for this but this seems to be a new issue and wondering if others have experienced this.


I was flying today and got windshear reported at the location when i got that sudden change in winds using a career addon :rofl: AT 22:58Z. The issue is not the windshear. That can happen. But in this sim it happens specifically around 23:00Z every day.


Very extreme transitions today. I’ve had three in the first 20 minutes of flight. Plane was whacked back and forth. One transition was from ~25 kts to around 70kts and greater than 30 degrees variation. It caused an overspeed condition.

Hmmm… didn’t post here for a while. So here an even stronger (video) evidence the real world time doesn’t necessarily matter, as the bottom right corner 16.23z while in the simulator was 17z. The weather transition was smooth enough to trigger the altitude alert (250feet+). 34° 3’ 48.16" N 100° 3’ 15.28" W
In the second video it was 17z real world time, while in the simulator it was 17.37z and (luckily this time) I’ve got a little bump only.


I don‘t know if this belongs here but I had some other interesting findings related to live weather the last few days. At the weekend I did several flights between EDDK and LEPA and I noticed that as soon I was above the Mediterranean Sea the wind speed got wild. It changed speed like 10 times a second in the range of 20 knots. The wind direction also changed several times per second in the range of 5 degrees to the left and to the right. Above the mainland (Germany, France etc.) everything was fine …