Very abrupt weather (wind) transition. Erratic wind behavior (Still present after AAU 1)

Just overflew ENEV at FL340, had a massive bubble of pressure/temperature change ( altimeter added +1000ft & the aircraft went way into overspeed ) - a couple of minutes later it went back the other way, and it’s settled there again. Quite obviously an airfield weather bubble.

The influence of METAR-generated wind, pressure, and temperature only extends to 1500 feet AGL. Upper weather winds, temperature and pressure come exclusively from the MeteoBlue weather model. What you experienced was probably due to corrupt (or old) data in the MB model in the area you were were flying.

I have experienced sudden wind and pressure shifts at high altitude over the ocean, far from any METAR stations. This issue has been happening in Live Weather at random locations for a long time. They really need to get to the bottom of what is causing it.


I’ve experienced it in the middle of nowhere too - as a recent example dropping down the STAR at the end of the same flight the wind went instantly from an 18kt headwind to a 192kt tailwind(!) - but the overhead weather change at ENEV started at the same distance from the field that it finished, and I don’t believe that’s completely coincidental.

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Take note of the time when it’s happening and also report the time in zulu. I think that helps much because i have experienced exactly same thing at 17:00z, 17:20Z, 23:00Z and 23:20Z.

Maybe it’s corrupt data between those times but i think it’s old data they use until the new weather data from Meteoblue data is available. They need to add some smoothness between those times (17:00z-17:20Z and 23:00Z-23:20Z) to make it less obvious and noticable. I think same thing happening at 05:00Z-05:20Z and 11:00Z-11:20Z. It’s when Meteoblue updates.


For some time I’ve noticed flying in many parts of Australia using live weather, I’m seeing huge swings in wind direction and speed, mostly many times in seconds. In lighter aircraft, trimming for level flight is very difficult. This issue occurs on almost all flights. We do get some good days to fly down here.

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Once again wild wind changes when flying over open water. This time in Indonesia. Happens also over the Mediterranean Sea and over the Northern Sea.

at 15:08 of this video the weather is injected into this flight

Looks like this is still a thing as of Feb, 2023.

But now I found that it happens when I change time (still live weather) OR when the a weather update is “pushed” to the client, this wind behavior will last for around 1-2 minutes after the time change/weather update, and then it turns into constant “normal” wind. Very weird. The video was recorded when flying above the Marmara Island.

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I wouldn’t say the wind is erratic in the video. You seem to be passing through some quite strong turbulence and in such conditions the wind speed can easily vary like this.

I have the same issue very often, and once it starts , regardless the flight level/location it will only stop when I restart the flight . Definitely not turbulence , or rather if it’s turbulence that starts it , it does not stop once you out of the turbulent air mass …

But this happens basically 90% of the flight, every flight, regardless of the location. Which I doubt any of this is turbulence.

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How often in percent does turbulence occure IRL? And when is turbulence modeled perfect in a flight simulator? Many says it’s overdone but when is it perfect and how should Asobo model it to be perfect? I think they need a bit more information than overdone or it’s wrong or too much. Well, i agree those instant changes of winds at specific times everyday globally at the same time for all of the users is a real issue and needs some smoothing at those times when they update the winds.

I bet they can improve the turbulence to feel more natural and organic. But i’m not 100% sure what is a perfect state that would make every single user happy. I think those options they will introduce in su12 will make it enjoyable for most users i hope. If we feel the turbulence is too much then set low turbulence and if we want the full turbulence experience set it to realistic without limits and those that want something in the middle set it to medium :slight_smile:

This issue (abrupt wind changes) is one of the most annoying issues with the Sim currently. Asobo please fix this and create a smoothening/transitional function in the Sim. Activesky had figured this out in FS2004! I am sure you can fix this. It’s bad that the wind changes direction and speed drastically! (from 100 knots to 135 knots immediately …)


I managed to reproduce the behavior. This seems to be happening when the wind layers are defined sparsely (not Live Weather!). For example, a surface layer with 240@8 and 270@70 at 20k ft, both with the gusts just a little bit stronger, which is quite typical.
Soon after take-off the wind took a mean value close to 70 and started to vary with a large amplitude and approximately the frequency of the gusts.
This is probably due to wrong interpretation how the wind profile should be generated between known points, and just another indication that Asobo has insufficient knowledge about the weather to implement even a plausible, if not a realistic simulation.

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Just had this bug on final RWY 34R at YSSY, while passing under 1000ft, wind went from headwind 10kts to tailwind 80 kts and MADE ME STALL ON FINAL !!!
when I go to weather seetings the metar is accurate (02007KT) but not the live weather… !!!

What (irronically) amaze me is that Asobo keeps breaking the sim after each update… I’m not even on beta but what’s the point of doing beta if even for non beta players, game breaking bugs happens unexpectedly ? Who know what else SU12 will break ?

I will modify weather manually like 20 years ago…way less annoying…

I do have the similar wind change problem on my flight today in the morning. Wind started change during final approach to LTFM.

All the reports, which are reported here, show us that this abrupt wind change problem is regardless of airport/region. There is something wrong with the weather engine.

So, dear Asobo team, please follow the Microsoft’s “as real as it gets” motto. Please make us a “simulator” not “arcade game”. And please open the weather API to third party weather engine developers!

Right on schedule, the 1700z wind shift hit again. You can literally set a clock to this bug.

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yup just happened 1700Z, what the hell

just happened to me again, happens quite a lot at 1700z - really annoying

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No live weather for me right now…again