I thought that 2024 had a better algorithm to only airlines appropriate for the airport. but im at KORD now, default (since all 3rd party are disabled now) and I see a KLM 737 at the gate. it should be American based on the location, but even then usually that specific concourse is erj and crjs.
Traffic is on the same level of quality as the rest of the game. Don’t expect improvements any time soon. I use traffic injected by BATC and it’s 1000x better.
I’m on xbox
darn, that’s unfortunate to hear. because in some instances I do see tons of accurate United planes. and in the trailer & lead up, they showed & said that realism will be much improved.
seems like the list of what’s not on par is much longer than what was completed.
hopefully this just means 2025 will be a steady stream of improvements
how do you do this, i cannot get rid of live traffic and have batc with fsltl and a !"§%load of house livery airplanes injected by the sim… partly overlapping at the gate
of course turning off live trafiic dioesn´t turn off liv e traffic