Very faulty flight of the L-39 Albatros Robin 1

Hi @MTFlyimg

Your case is somewhat different and that comes from SU 7, but I bought mine on Marketplace through Steam. This plane is a jet and is part of the team that fly the Reno races.

I immediately deleted and requested a refund (well, the amount stays in my Steam account, which I have problems with them, because they did not read my communication, and a robot answers me saying that they can not cancel me the sale, since it was made in May.The robot interpreted that I wanted to cancel MSFS 2020 completely.

It is curious that very soon after sending my topic to the Forum, they removed the plane I bought, from Marketplace. There used to be 10 of the same profile, now there are only 9 of that series.

I tried the volocopter and apparently it flew well but it was short time.

after this little research.

Here I interrupted this post and went to test again the volovopter,but paying attention to its behavior. I found the following:

1).-Slow ascent (I guess it is normal).

2).- maximum translation speed= 65 knots

3).- very, very slow descent and with engine at minimum power (idle), and I guess this is not normal.

4).- the engine needle does not move, regardless of how fast the engine is accelerated.

    • The rpm of the engines are very uniform.

That’s all I can tell you.

Regards: Delfin