Hey everyone,
I have the latest developer build of the fly by wire airbus a32nx and I’m finding the descent and approach clearance is coming very late. Insure if its an issue with the Mod or the default settings. Anyone else getting this?
I just had a clearance to descend from 31,000 to 2,000 31 miles from Hanoi Airport…
I don’t think this is a FBW issue; more like in game ATC
I always plan my own descent and request lower altitudes from ATC. ATC is always too late.
That is a well known ATC issue.
I request an earlier descent sometimes as well, or sometimes I ride the speedbrakes!
Hey yeah I’ve had it as an issue in the past depending from 100NM out, but this was a joke - descending from 30 miles. Anyway, I’ll start requesting it until it’s fixed. Thanks!
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Try anywhere from 150 to 130 miles out.
Also using the FBW mod, but with Navigraph data and a full Simbrief OFP loaded.
I have to request FL increases from ATC each time, but that’s it.
ToD is always spot on, mainly following the 3x altitude rule. Sometimes ATC does not honor the constraints and asks me to descent beyond the allowed alt, but I kindly ignore that.
cheers, Sailando
Have been learning the A320 Neo since Xmas but I am having problems with approaches including attempting to follow ATC and being too high on approach.
Using the FBW mod and also using loading the Simbrief OFP onto the MCDU. Have just had ATC leaving me at 9000ft on the DME arc of an ILS approach into Wellington NZ which requires 3000ft to meet the glide slope. I just ignored ATC and landed. There was not option to request lower altitudes ( have used this before ). I was thinking I could have sat in the holding pattern and await ATC to clear me.
Use the 3X rule as Sailando has mentioned
FL370 is 37 x 3 =111 that is how many nautical miles away from your destination you should start.
FL 20 is 20 x 3 = 60 nm
Add 10 or 20 nm, because this sim’s ATC rarely gives more than 10,000 feet at a time, so there are a lot more “level outs” than there should be.
I have followed this rule on previous flights but wanted to see if I could follow ATC and get my clearances correctly. Otherwise ATC gives the “your below your assigned altitude please expedite your climb to…” Also will ATC clear you for landing if you ignore their instructions ?
I don’t pay any attention to the ATC once I’ve entered the STAR.
These ATC Controllers have some school textbook study work ahead of them, as you have noticed!
Thankfully, it is scheduled for improvements.
I set my altitude by any constraints that are shown in my approach, and if non, I aim to be about 15 nautical miles out from the airport at 3000 feet.
Yes, they will. The other thing I do sometimes, is switch to flight following and call the tower when necessary.
Yup, I do it all the time!
Nothing happens
The hardest part is having them harp at you a bit…
Married simmers are very adept at being able to ignore being harped at and go ahead and do what they intend, whereas single simmers might be freaking out at being yelled at by ATC!
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OK ignore ATC does solve the issue. But will still do what my wife says.
The “slam dunk” approach…
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It might have to do with missing navdata if you are not using Navigraph. As long as you are at the FL assigned by ATC, they should properly guide you down - this is what I see.
Did you try another region, where Bluenav data might be better?
Just now, cruising at FL380, 128nm out of EDDF, ATC is asking me to start my descent. (see screenshot)
cheers, Sailando
Yeah I have navigraph. It worked well today, descent started a good 120nm out at FL360 so hopefully it was a glitch.
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In the last week I have never been able to land without go around as found myself far too high on approach. This didn’t happen previously. Using default atc and a320 mod - tried both stable and dev mod.
The same problem here, sometimes getting weird command to descent and climb all the time. I guess that is the bug in ATC automation. Or (maybe) late transmission from games to server because of bad internet connection that make late response from server, I don’t know just try to figure out what was going on. My solution at that time was cancelled IFR.