Very low fps. AMD razen 9 3900x, rx5700xt, 32gb ram

For one piece of advice do you change Flight Simulator.exe to a high priority in Task Manager/Details? Sure helps my FSP, but you have to change it EVERY time, once FS is booting, otherwise you won’t even find the .exe file. Also, do you have MS Windows Gaming Mode turned OFF? Should be. Also background recording to OFF. What are your typical FPS on Medium settings? I’ve seen little to no diff between most FS graphics settings going from Medium to High. Need a magnifying glass to see changes from High to Ultra, except clouds demand Ultra. By any chance is your hardware and Windows software virgin or have you messed with them?

i follow it up.
30fps on ultra now
still 20-30 fps less then they achieved even if i have better CPU. and my 5700xt should comparable to 2080 what i know. i know others with my card have more fps, so what could be the bottleneck here…
thats all odd

game mode off, , background recording off. its not a virgin :stuck_out_tongue:
and cant change priority from some reason i dont know why.

I had the same low FPS. After much digging, I found that something (BIOS update or playing with Ryzen Master) had kicked off my XMP profile so I was running my RAM at 21xx instead of 3600. Fixed it and now I am back to the above posters average FPS with similar hardware.

Might be worth a double check, and not a huge waste of time if it isn’t your issue.

Good luck!

You could try increasing render scale 20 to 30% higher than your screen resolution .It worked on a friend’s pc with identical hardware at 1080p +20% on render scale.
For me with Ryzen 3600 and rx570 8gb .I updated the chipset drivers and got less frame drops.
So many motherboard , hardware mixes it really is a lottery till the next patch comes out

What is an XMP profile?

An XMP profile is the setting used in the BIOS to activate the higher ram frequencies.

Sol overclocking? Does that make MSFS2020 get better frame rates?

Will do it after work today :grin: and check what happens

That’s my clue that motherboard could be the issue

Doesn’t help me at all. No changes

It’s kind of overclocking, kind of not. My RAM was designed and tested to run at 3600 and certain clock settings. The XMP profile (technically overclocking) is a one click way to get it to run at the advertised/safe speed without having to go through the process of testing overclock settings to find something stable. Sorry if this seems like talking down, just haven’t had my caffeine drip yet this morning

I have i9-9900k and 1080ti with 1440 screen. I get around 30’fps on ultra depending on area. I tuned most of my settings to high and lod 100, turned off vsync and now i get 55-65 fps in new york and steam gauge aircraft, but still handcrafted busy airports pulls fps down to around 30-40 fps. I just think the game needs to be optimized.

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I think that resolution is a bit too much for that rx5700xt.I could be wrong.Pushing over 7million pixels on that card

If the 30-40 FPS are smooth it is just fine for a flight sim… nothing to worry about.

Running the 5700XT Nitro+ with 5120x1440p with 25fps (depending on the settings), ok for me - not playing a shooter :wink:

Yes and no. 30-40 fps will be ok for me but im stuck now on 30.

Many benchmark test show 50-60fps on rx5700xt. So question is where is bottleneck, if i have often better cpu same memory. Motherboard, drivers, windows, fs2020.

Another issue is buzzing sound. No chance to play with sound on :crazy_face::roll_eyes::grimacing:

Buzzing sound? Are you running latest windows version? 2004 or whatever. And have you turned off windows spatial sound? This removed the sound stutters, but if sound is buzzing, maybe something more fundamental is wrong with your system :open_mouth:

Latest update.
Sounds is like when you plug or unplug cable but its constantly.
I check cables, they separate. Same on speakers, headphones, wireless headphones.
Its just in Fs2020 after patch. Before all was good.
Other games and watching videos are not affected :man_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

You keep saying this, and you keep getting the same answer;
the test you’ve seen are the RX5700XT running on a 2560×1440 resolution.
You are running your RX5700XT on 5120x1440 resolution.

Your card is rendering twice the amount of pixels of the one in the test, and so you get half the FPS. It’s logical.

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Thats exactly what I got before turning off windows spatial sound in the games sound settings.