Very ugly FS9/FSX style tiling has appeared.Any tweaks to fix this?

I’m noticing this vast blurry area following the plane in some locations. They look like badly made bathroom tiles. This is over Saudi Arabia.

Some points to note:

  1. I have a fast connection, upto 50mbps.
  2. GTX 1060 6GB gfx card, 12GB sys RAM
  3. I do NOT see such tiling in MORE scenery dense areas
  4. It seems to appear in sparse areas like deserts

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Some mind of tweak in a cfg file somewhere? Thanks.

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Some parts of the world have poor quality satellite mapping, which is the basis for the Bing Maps streaming used in the sim. This is due to coverage, security concerns, lack of cooperation by nation-states or agencies. One way to cross-check is to view the same location in Bing Maps online using a browser. If they are a match, then there is nothing that can be done until better data is available.


Youre right, I followed your suggestion to check Bing maps :open_mouth:

Nothing I can do except wait Thanks for your reply, I understand now!

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Unfortunately some countries restrict hi-res satellite imagery which is why some parts of the World in MSFS e.g. China are a blurry mess.

Fly somewhere else lol

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