Very well performance with an average hardware only

Hey there,

with the last version (MSFS I’ve got really good performance. Although I have only an average system compared to the configurations here in the forum.

See my system specs below and also my settings for the NVIDIA control panel and last but not least the graphics settings in the sim.
I think the magic is limiting the FPS in the NVIDIA control panel.

Afterwards a few pictures. See for yourself. What do you mean?
I also have the problem with the cloud textures pixelated and grainy. This was definitely not in the alpha. But I can live with it so far. It’s not that bad.
My setup runs really smooth and very stable.

Windowed Sim-Resolution
FS2020 Window-Resolution 3000x1390

Windows 10 x64

Asus ROG Maximus VIII Hero Alpha

Intel Core i7-6700 (4x) 4.50 Ghz

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 32 GB (3200 Mhz)

Samsung 960 EVO SSD 500GB


Samsung C49RG94SSU (49" // 5120x1440 // WQHD // 120Hz // 4ms)

NVIDIA settings screenshots



MSFS graphics settings screenshots

In game screenshots
(The pictures are native and not edited or something else.)

Sedona Airport: KSEZ

The PFD an MFD also very clear and crisp, here with the FBW Mod (A32NX)
Version: Latest “Unstable Master Branch Build (with custom FBW)”. At least very stable for me.

I also use the “Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition” with all its problems. But with the CFBW version of the A320NX mod - no problem at all - works very well.

UPDATE (2020/12/15 | 17.32)

Just updated to show how the FPS are in metropolitan areas. Here is an example of San Francisco and New York. Sure the FPS break in a bit. With my graphics settings and my system above still as before very acceptable for me. Like many others, my CPU and GPU are only running at about 50-60% of their capacity.





Not bad but tbh that framerate is pretty low in an area like that.Curious to what you will get over a place like LAX or NYC.

That’s true. In New York (KJFK) I’ve got with the same settings 22 - 28 FPS for example. Just barely enough with my setup an graphics and so on …

Note that I do not play in 1080p, but in 3000x1390p (windowed resolution)

Pretty much identical specs to my PC. I play at 1440p and the GTX1080 can handle most things ok. I get around 30fps on average, but lower over big cities and if I’m in the larger jets. There’s just so many crazy variables to the sim. The performance difference between high and ultra isn’t much as far as I can see. A few FPS maybe.

I’ve got a shiny new RTX 3080 sitting here waiting to be installed in my set up once I get a new PSU. I’m a bit of a sucker for 4K gaming.


I am on 2560x1440 with a 2060super although my GPU usage is 100% 90% of the time the other 10% I am cpu bottlenecked.My frame drop really low into places like LAX,ATL,JFK and the GPU usage goes below 80.

Careful with GPU only upgrades - I’ve discovered upgrading the GPU in my case actually made for worse experience. Better “best case” frame rates for sure, but far worse stuttering and just generally less reliable FPS overall. Probably thanks to now being CPU bound. You really want to stay GPU bound in MSFS. Your older less powerful GPU’s will actually provide a better overall experience if you’re going to stick with an older (4 core) cpu. Upgrading the GPU will make things a stuttery mess.

I only fly smaller GA stuff, and I get bad stuttering anytime I do any sort of aggressive maneuvering. (Presumably as the CPU has to crunch all those aerodynamic forces or something?)

i7-7700k at 5ghz
5700 XT GPU (upgraded from a 1660ti)

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That’s not great FPS for an area with such a little complexity. Do this in New York or LA, or even San Diego and let show us your results.

Do you play in 4K? Playing at the highest resolution should help keep things GPU bound.

Thanks for the warning. There are a lot of reports about degraded performance after upgrading hardware. My current specs are below yours but I managed to find the ‘sweetspot’ for my system (even when I’m only using a GTX-1060). It runs stutter free at medium / high settings.

I’m also planning to upgrade my system but appreciate your warning.

Ultrawide 1440p so it’s pretty much a 4k workload. Interestingly in my case I might not be running high enough settings… I keep things lower to stay as close to 60fps as possible to avoid things looking like they “jump” or jitter from one frame to the next when moving my head around (which is constant with head tracking obviously)

Running higher settings, it would tax the GPU harder and probably smooth things out. But then I get eyestrain from looking at all the frame jumping from the lower FPS with the constant motion from using head tracking.

Time to underclock or reduce power to your 5700XT until it is “balanced” with the CPU :laughing:

Actually have tried this. It does work, but wow does it require a huge underclock… I can’t handle such sacrilege. lol

Anyways I’m not sure if it’s my monitor or perhaps I’m just over sensitive to it but anything less than about 55 fps and I can’t stand the amount of motion jumping from frame to frame. I really wish I wasn’t so picky because being able to run 30-40 fps would be far easier and less expensive. :man_facepalming:t2:

For reference this is what I’m talking about…
At 30fps on my rig things are very “smooth” as in no stuttering or freezes, but then the motion jumps from frame to frame are what bother my eyes and gives me headaches. Obviously this has nothing to do with MSFS, it’s just inherent in anything video related. I’d actually rather have an occasional stutter at 55 or 60fps from my choked cpu, than have the eye strain from constantly looking at a motion-blurred image at 30-40fps.

Anyways, again this is all in reference to using head tracking (TrackIR) as the camera is constantly being panned around causing constant motion. Without TrackIR, 30-40fps would be totally acceptable.

You’d better test it on extreme cases like JFK or LAX areas with the highest possible settings and report if you, too, have an annoying momentary stuttering.

What a wonderful, good looking sim this is.
…full of bugs.

ATM all is peace and light, I’m enjoying the scenery.

i5 4430 @ 3.00 GHz
16 gig ram
GTX 1650 4 gig
2 x SSD

Processor is under the minimum recommended. Video card not the best.

Running everything at medium in settings and it goes reasonably well. Oviously NY or big airports are a bit clunky but for the kind of flying I do it’s fine…apart from the bugs.

This sim gives good hope to the low enders IMO.

I play at 1440p with a 1080, settings on Ultra, and my performance has been fantastic. I’ve never checked FPS and I never will.

I think these are the images you want to see. Check out my old post again! I added a few pictures of metropolitan areas at the end of my original post above as an update.

Out of curiosity, do you use head tracking at all?

Yep, TrackIR.

Wonder what cpu you have paired with that 1080 even on my 2060super I am not able to do full ultra on 1440p running payware addons and the 32nx mod.

GTX1080 and 8700K. Both stock, no OC.