Veteran FS98 Addon question!

Hello Boys!

I have a question that´s been bugging me for months!!! I´m looking for, or actually trying to remember an addon i had for fs98, back in the day.
i don´t even remember for the life of me what it did, i think it might have had the usual few extra panels or stuff like that. I THINK it had a graphic interface that looked like an airport terminal, but I am not sure about that…
What I DO remember: it came with one or even two CD with wmv. file-videos of landing and departing planes wich featured a quite catchy tune.

Any ideas? ANY??? It´s driving me crazy, actually…

kind regards

Hmm, don’t remember that. What did the addon actually do?

I think it was an actual collection of utility-software…
Panels, the “than-regular-stuff”… Maybe a Panel maker…but my memory is very clouded…

I think i Recall a Long list of Custom Panels …, The more i think about it…

Hmm, interesting. Curious to know if anyone else has seen this.

Since your nickname appears to be german and you speak about CDs with videos on it… Could it be that you got it from Aerosoft? Or Saturn/Mediamarkt but an Aerosoft product at least… If it’s that important for you you could send them an email if they have any idea.

Hmmm… Pretty Sure it was from Media/makro-whatevermarkt. No Internet Back then. Could have also been one of those ominous Data Becker releases, but you See: That,'s all i’ve got…the only Thing i remember vividly is the CD-ROM with the landing videos…


I believe the program is called
Apchart, it is a gauge from Holger Maas

Unfortunatly i could not get it to work

hm, no. that´s not it. i think it was something with “workshop” or so… drives mc crazy. :slight_smile:

the only think i remember for sure is that it had a graphical interface that looked like the inside of an airport terminal, the CD-rom with dozens of landing videos and i´m QUITE sure it had additional panels…

i might try chat gpt… :rofl:

OP-et-al, if it was me, I think first I would search in YouTube for anything FS-98 related. Next, fly away simulation has a forum for older FS programs, not sure it FS-98 is among them, but even if you only get FS-2000/4 people, they most likely can answer your query.

I understand your Delima, I remember this Christmas Album my friends parents had, and it’s driving me nuts to find it again. I know I remember the artists on it, but in searching for that, song/artist, nope, the internet does not give him credit for that song, but I know it was him. Old age is heck on memory.

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