VFHUB - Discovery Flight Bruno Aires - All Welcome

Discovery Flight Bruno Aires
When?: Wesnesday 4th December at 20:00z
Server: East USA, Live weather, All players
Aircraft: Max 130knts (Piston, Heli is all good)
Event Duration: 2hrs
Event Route: SADL - SAVO (10 min break) - SAAR
Event Description: Come and join us as we discover the the beautiful capital city of Argentina, Bruno Aires.

We will start at La Palta (SADL) Head north through the capital, towards the town of Campana, then following the route 9/Parana River all the way to Rosario.

Discord for voice chat:

Discovery flight Bruno Aires.pln (5.6 KB)

This event is going ahead tonight as planned.
See you all soon

Server details for tonight just as a reminder, the event will start shortly
East USA, Live weather, All players