(VFHUB) Wine Club Event - New Zealand

Date: 29th January at 20:00z (15:00 EST)
Airport List: NZNS - NZPN **(10 min break) **- NZKI
Distance: 206nm
**Event Info: **Our second Wine Club event will take place in New Zealand. We will be exploring the Marlborough region which is popular for wines in this country, We recommend a Sauvignon Blanc from the Marlborough District Region. Those who are U18 and wish to join please feel free to choose an Alcohol-free alternative. (VFHUB DOES NOT ENCOURAGE HEAVY DRINKING) Please be responsible and in-control.
Event Rules: Prop/Piston or microlights only. If you are drinking please stay in control. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
Duration: 2hrs 45 mins
Wine Club - New Zealand.pln (10.1 KB)

Discord for voice chat

North Europe, Liver Weather (if suitable) Day time and All players.

See you there!

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