For a mutliplayer experience & group coordination.This seems like a logical step to include this info once they implement the multiplayer aspects of the game ,ties in with this topic
upvoted for same reasons as mentioned here
& because I generally believe in the potential for a good multiplayer experience in Fs2020,why else bring pc & xbox players together cross platform too
A group leader helps to give the flight more direction & manages the group(s) maybe could even have some directional power at his command like the ATC has ,putting marks with altitude on the map etc
& this topic
One aspect of the simulation that resides at it’s very core and needs improvement is the VFR MAP window.
Elevations & Runways Lengths, Runway Numbers
Better Zoom, All airport show no matter what the zoom level.
Right now this map is only useful for very basic general positioning of aircraft in reference to the airport. Almost like a top-down view.
& this latest topic
Its great that we can see points of interest on the pre-flight world map and I would like them to also show up on the map during flight so we can navigate to them more easily - if that is possible…
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