Video of U5 and HF 1&2 in the Husky

Here is a video of how I am enjoying the U5 and HF 1&2 in the Husky.

I run a 4 screen system with top 3 screens using NVIDIA Surround. I run the windowed view at 5200 x 1000 px.

For the Husky I use the Thrustmaster A10 joystick with a 12" extension, this is used for most warbirds and helis as well as cubs and other stick planes. I also run the Thrustmaster Pendulum pedals and in this case the old Saitek throttle quadrant, because it is on the left. I use the Honeycomb Alpha and Beta for non tandem planes like 172, 182 or the Pipers and all the twins. For the A320 I use the VBK as a side stick. I also have a home built collective for helis. And a bunch of custom controllers built using LeoBodnar and Arduino boards.

AirManager is great it gives you a really clear and customizable set of gauges and GPS screens etc. It also has a hardware knob for tuning radios setting altimeter and controlling nav instruments like a real cockpit.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the flight around my home airport in Northern New England. Wet and Dry…

Select 1080 for best quality video.