no mission for vip lvl 2 with cessna cj4
Eventually I will have to give up on this sim if it doesn’t improve by leaps and bounds quickly… I’ve never had a single frame of gameplay that didn’t look wrong or was glitched… and that’s just talking about flying the aircraft’s… my aircraft falling out of the sky crashing on start … forklifts and trucks and people going up and down through the ground into the air like it’s a funny cartoon… so much on screen loading I don’t think I’ve ever felt “immersed”… random system crashes every day…right now we’re talking about getting career mode working and free flight isn’t even working yet and that’s setting aside atc problems entirely… I don’t know how this sim made it through any kind of quality control or even the most basic of product testing… it’s just broken and it’s hard to see it getting to point where it’s not broken inside of a year…the graphics may be better yes… but when everything renders as pyramids and blocks then it doesn’t matter… I’ve never flown anything bigger than the pilatus that’s in career mode without serious problems with frame rate and graphics not rendering which turns the cockpit into a flat world with no buttons… they took everyone’s money without any consideration if the product was ready or even sustainable… people who paid money should get some kind of refund… and I’ve never ever ever thought I would say that about a video game before.
Can anyone please check if VIP Charter Service - Private is available for employee as well?
I have one aircraft for my small VIP service (G36) but I do not see any VIP missions (employee or freelancer) at all.
yes, I saw some today.
what I did notice though, is there were less than for my company plane.
I think the ‘issue’ (or design?) is, it will only show a certain number of missions at one time on the screen , so if you opened up a large area, and have a quite few certifications… so loads of icons - some missions do not show - however, if you zoom in, they will start appearing.
I have most of the UK opened up, and I could see about 8 vip mission missions under ‘company’, but only about 3 of these with employee.
however, if I zoomed into whilst on employee, the ‘missing ones’ would appear.
not sure this was the case before, but now there appear to be many more missions, so perhaps this caused this behaviour?
btw: I didnt check the mission list, so not sure if they were on that, but just icon was missing on the map?!
If you can’t see the icon it won’t display on the mission list… I don’t understand why the missions are so dependent on how zoomed you are or whether you can see the icon or not for them to populate… you would think they either exist or don’t exist… not they only exist if your looking right at them
yeah, only devs can answer that…
Id guess its some (poor) attempt at not cluttering the ui/map too much - but unfortunately, which missions don’t show up seems pretty random.
ofc, the real issue is much simpler - the lack of filtering !
(if you could filter, there would not be so many missions, so a limit would not matter so much)
after you have a few certifications, the maps is full of flights you have zero interest in, and you have to hover over to find ones you might be interested in - and the mission list is just as bad.
my guess… the dev on this was never quite finished, it was just ‘good enough’ .
there is no way, devs/qa/play testers didn’t know that some kind of mission filter was needed… but just didn’t get priority, probably due to state the rest of the game was in
im still having issues were i cant even find 1 vip/charter missions
Haven’t been able to find a single Private or VIP charter mission, unfortunately. The latter I’m still trying to unlock, but it’s impossible without being able to fly the private charter missions.
Still no Charter VIP missions (cj4) only private ones are displaying
Cj4 jobs have never existed for some reason.
Try vision jet.
Tank you for your response hope they can see this message and see that not every thing is fix about the missions as they thought…
Yeah and they just said on the dev blog they released today that it’s “fixed.” I mean… is that that then?
they are two different tiers of charter though. the CJ4 is on the second tier that you unlock by completing regular charters. some of us have done that, and purchased a CJ4 only for there to be none of those missions.
Does anyone fly around Australia and NZ? No private charter missions. Only have it in Europe where I do the other half of my career missions.
Nothing is fixed regarding cj4
I just got to that point…I’ve been flying the vision jet and i saved up my 7.3 million dollars bought the CJ4 and sold the vision jet just to have zero missions…what the fluff…
I gave up on my career (and with that the whole game) since I bought a CJ4 a few weeks ago and was hopeful when I saw this fix just now. But still no missions for the CJ4 at least. How can it be this hard to fix, and why does it seem like they have no clue about these issues? We need a feedback button ingame, but I guess they would probably get flooded…
the thing that’s sad is they do exist for some people. Cow town streamed doing a couple in a PC24 just a couple of days ago. nobody seems to know how. i dont understand why we get silence from MS/Asobo. whatever reset they did for the “private” worked, why cant they do that for the “VIP”.
This isn’t VIP - Charter, so this isn’t the one for the CJ4, this is VIP - Private.
What 80% of us really want, is the VIP - Charter missions so we can actually fly our jets for missions.