VIP charter have returned for me. Finally

Anyone know what the little yellow triangle and red dot mean?

She’s been getting dirty doing all that passive work.


The red dot indicates that the weather will be IFR (or possibly LIFR/MVFR).

I’m in MSFS2020 at the moment flying to KPDX. The moment I land I will run over to MSFS2024 and see if I have VIP in Freelander as well. I’m in the WEST and those servers have been suffering tremendously for the past 3 or 4 days. To the point we can’t launch anything. Hopefully it’s fixed now.

Moved to User Support Hub as the OP asked for assistance from the community.

Can ONLY find one in the US NONE in europe, guess Im buying another vision jet, and is it me or is the vision jet and pc12 atleast now need MUCH more power to taxi and seem like they wont take off and now the auto throttle get stuck on and no way to turn it off and the G2 over runs long runways, whats a load of ■■■■ the G2 has turned out to be

Zoom in / zoom out.
They creep in gradually.
Fast travel to big cities to unlock more geography

Guys go check, they fixed

I’m adding the link and information about the updates made to Career Mode, just in case you might have missed it.


How good!!

I also found a Private Charter mission, HOWEVER:

I’m currently landed, parked, and engines shut off yet the mission is stuck on “Fly to [airport]”, with it ticked green, meaning I completed it. Obviously, since I’m LANDED AT THAT AIRPORT.

I announced when on final, I touched down successfully yet it will not let me complete the mission because…I don’t know?

It’s not fixed… not even close…

And someone please let me know if you can find a mission to fly one of the tier 2 VIP aircraft like the cj4 and beechking… I’ve never seen one in either employee or freelancer mode and I own a cj4… seemingly for no reason now it seems

Whatever that says… it didn’t really work… I have maybe 3 VIP charter missions total when before I had more than I could count… and you have to zoom all the way in for them to populate… they don’t show up on the mission lists either unless I’m zoomed.

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agree, all private charter missions re-appeared for me, however my CJ4 is still collecting dust as there are no missions for the “VIP” charter tier 2 missions. here is one thing i noticed. read the description. I am wondering if this means that missions for these tier 2 will literally only be synced up with real world events? or no. does anybody know?

because i have yet to hear of anyone getting to fly these Charter “VIP” missions as freelance

I would guess the real time vip missions would be the gold star bio missions that pop up in employee mode… but they only ever use the 747 max so idk how you would do that in freelancer mode idk🤷‍♂️

that would make sense as well. so why are the tier 2 VIP variant still missing then…

Your guess is as good as mine… at least with the heavy cargo missions they don’t trick you into buying a plane lol they just don’t have one available… you can only earn the specialization for now… and god knows when super heavy or powered lift will be ready :pensive:

Also just curious… have you ever successfully completed a flight with the heart aerospace in career mode? I keep thinking of buying it but I’ve tried it like 7 times on an employee mission and it’s so glitchy I end up in a never ending crashing glitch every time… or the plane flies backward rapidly when you move the throttle for the first time untill you crash a bunch of times then it fixes itself… I really want to know if I’m the only one… thanks

I tried that plane in Free Flight after seeing it in Career Mode. I did manage to take off but it refused to climb, I ended up skimming the ocean until I crashed.

Also I have no idea how to start the two small engines, I followed the checklist but it wouldn’t start both of them. Eventually I got both running by just repeating the checklist for each engine until both were running.

I’ve only seen Employee charter missions, I have a Cirrus Vision Jet acting as hangar decoration because there are no Freelancer missions available for it.

I think those are just private charter missions with names containing ‘VIP’ lol.