Virpil Flight Yoke

Saw this while browsing. No more info other than this teaser. A yoke from a company well known for making quality hardware should provide a real nice choice for simmers who want a premium experience.



Things I would love it to have:

Elevator, and rudder trims
Hat switch
Two trigger buttons
Long throw on pitch (140-180mm), and 90 degrees roll

Hopefully not too much to hope for.

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I think most of those are probably a given other than the FFB. But that would be a nice bonus indeed.

Being Virpil you can also probably safely assume metal construction and contactless sensors. Will be interested to see what they bring. The market needs more choice for sure.

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Oh, and a robust desk clamp would be nice as well. I’ve wanted an FFB yoke for ages now, and none of the current crop fulfil all of what I want, with the possible exception of the Brunner CLS-E models. I currently use a Yoko+, and for me that layout is perfect. If VF brought out an FFB yoke I’d buy it today. :slight_smile:

If it was FFB I’d be hard pushed to avoid hitting the BUY NOW button. Recently purchased their Collective and a Grip and it’s really good quality.

I’m dubious though. That base box doesn’t look big enough to house the FFB gear?


Not all of Virpil’s products are quality, I bought the Apache collective grip and it’s low quality plastic with cheap switches, so I would wait for reviews before rushing in.


I was surprised when I looked at the weight of the Brunner CLS-E Mk II, and my VF Yoko+. The Brunner is significantly lighter. I would have thought the extra weight from inside would make it heaver but apparently not.

Plus that yoke handle looks like it extends wider that the box, so either the yoke is huge or the box is tiny. :slight_smile:

Either way I’m very interested in what they have to offer.

FFB yoke by is very well built and tremendous value. Not sure if this is FFB but if it is then will be hard to beat.

I did look at that, but it doesn’t have a rudder trim switch.

Not sure the size of the box is meaningful. The Flitesim one is overly large when compared to others such as the Brunner and Simionic. I think a smaller footprint is always nice. One of the main reasons amongst others I instantly dismissed the Bravo Quadrant. Just oversized.

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I got the Sharka grip in the end. Actually ordered the Hawk first but changed my mind and cancelled that one, reordered with the other (no delay) as it fits better the civilian choppers I fly. That Apache is massive!! Not surprised it’s not metal lol

I have the Sharka which is pretty good, the switches on the Apache grip are worse. I can sort of understand why they used lighter plastic for the Apache grip, but for the switches I was pretty disappointed.

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If Virpil has developed a yoke, they should let the public know. I’m sure there are many people like me that have yet to purchase one or upgrade, so they may lose out on those sales.
One company advertised the return of Honeycomb Alpa and Bravo this September and am seriously considering those.
But if Virpil has a yoke in the future, I may just wait.

You’ll love the Charlie’s then. I’ve heard they’re huge!

It’ll be a day one purchase if it’s FFB.

There’s a clamp in the pic!

I hope they are gonna build enough (if it’s FFB) lol

I can see some “friends” here falling out over this! (Joking!) :slight_smile:

It’s not clear to me what that is, but we’ll see when they release more details of what’s in the box.

It looks a lot like a toggle clamp


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So not FFB then. :wink:

Second teaser photo added to the first post. Interesting.