Virtual Cockpit texture fix for you (Carenado Mooney M20 Ovation)

Hi Mooney M20 flyers,

if you like I have a little texture fix for the Carenado Mooney M20 Ovation for you.
I hated the fact that the foot rests both had the same identical pattern of scratches because they are mirroring one texture, and were so overly bright and reflective shiny on cloudless days.
It triggered my natural born sense for absolute PERFECT visuals inside the cockpit :smiley:
If you feel the same, here is a fix for you!

I have not changed anything else in the cockpit (not the colours or the overall design and style) except some mach-bands on the main panel because of the low colour depth file Carenado is using for textures, for example around the hole for the left steering yoke column on the main instrument panel, and some other minor texture bugs I have found.



Visuals with various weather situations:

After uploading I give you the links for the texture, new normal, and reflection, bump maps.

Well here it is:

Enjoy and have a great flight :slight_smile:


Is there a Hobbs meter in this aircraft?

No I haven´t seen one.

Ok thanks.
Won’t be buying that one then.

Only because she has no Hobbs meter? Hmmm… but the real aircraft has no hobbs meter on the cockpit panel either.

But she has a Hobbs meter at the rear bulkhead! :wink:

That will work.