Virtual Reality General Aviation Button Box

127 inputs. 138 available with a pair of mega2560 boards and Mobiflight. About to run it through Lightburn and F360 to make the faceplate.
Am I missing anything? I do have flaps on my joystick.
GA VR button box

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Here it is cut out and with a couple of switches installed. The button caps are cutting out now. Just about ready to print the enclosure. I thought about buying a project box from Amazon. I still might but the button support structure still needs to be printed.

Button caps. Man they’re small. The D button arrow didn’t lase for some reason. I may do them again with bigger text as there is a 1.2mm wide ring that they fit into on the top of the button.

Looks nice, but are you gonna manouver this in VR?

That’s the plan. Each group of switches will have different knobs on them. Hopefully muscle memory will allow me to just reach out to the buttons and switches.

Coming together nicely. Still have to print out the rest of the buttons and some knobs. Then of course there’s the wiring pars of it…


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Looks great! Very professional! How did you make the white letters Inside the buttons?

I have a Snapmaker. So I used 2 layer l (black on white) plastic sheet and lasered the lettering, then cut them out withe CNC. It’s the same process as the faceplate. Then they snap into the 3D printed buttons. I’ll post a better pic.

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My take on VR button box - not as professional, but (I hope) should allow easier finding of the buttons, knobs and switches when wearing VR headset:

I realized that there was just too much going on with this panel to manipulate it in VR. So I decided to downsize it somewhat. Not much. Just removing those things that I never really use. It’s built, the mega2560’s are programmed using Mobiflight, and tomorrow I’m going to wire it up.


button box done.
On to the next project. installing bearings in my Saitek combat rudder pedals to get rid of the plastic rubbing on plastic . Also raising the foot pedals by 60mm.
I’ll add some pics and a ling to the STL files when I’m done. Hopefully this weekend.

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