Virtualcol E190/195-E2?

Anyone got the Virtualcol E190/195-E2? Can’t find any reviews on it.
Only available on marketplace, does say in notes:
“This product is available ONLY in this Marketplace; this product is NOT a Study Level, just for game and fun, recommended for beginners and flight simmers.”

I think the lack of response says it all. Virtualcol are particularly bad at developing flyable aircraft in the sim - probably one to avoid!


Yes, that was my suspicion as well

Think mscenery tier quality


I don’t have it personally yet, but I’d think the FSS 170/175 is the way to go at the moment for E-Jets in MSFS.

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Sadly, I bought the VirtualCol Embraer months ago, before I saw this review on YouTube. Don’t buy it. It’s awful. I now follow this guy religiously.

As gekkoguy35 said, FlightSim Studio is a great alternative and works really well. The same YouTube guy above has a great tutorial on the FSS planes as well.

@PacManPilot thats the older 195. I was referring to their new release of the newer 190/95-E2. From their previous releases I can see they release poor products so have chosen to stay well away from anything Virtualcol have released :wink:

I will personally stay away from anything that company produces. :face_vomiting:


Virtualcol Embraers are still largely the same thing that they developed for FS9 (FS2004), which I bought back in 2008. The external model is still mostly the same. The cockpit model doesn’t receive that much improvement. And I still remember the flight dynamics that is basically a moderate improvement over FS9 default. Just hit a couple of real life performance table numbers, and that’s it. Not a particularly bad implementation, but not too brilliant either.

The E2 is probably just a slightly different flavour of the same thing. I would imagine their planes to be miles better than Bredok3D’s productions, considering their experience in the sim and community.

The “Not a Study Level” self-declaration kind of warned you. FBW’s A32NX currently isn’t even close to the so-called “study-level” standard, but it is aiming for full realism - which is why it is still very usable.

Back then in FS9 the Embraer felt nice. For today’s MSFS standard, it is quite lacking. In limited simulations platform, weaknesses of “low fidelity” simulations aren’t as exposed, guns in the original Doom or Wolfenstein 3D don’t have to produce recoil. But when we got to CS or CoD, guns that doesn’t recoil simply feels like laser weapon. The divergence from reality will be much bigger.

It is what it is - $25 for 2 airplane models.

Yeah, I’d definitely stay away from these guys. I bought their 170/175 and it was a circus. FlightSimStudio’s Embraer while not finished yet, is a far better representation.

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So I made the mistake of purchasing the E2 from Virtualcol, all I can say is “Virtualscam”
I was hopeful as the reviews had improved with an update or two, but no.
Steer clear of this rubbish, should not be allowed on the marketplace.

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