IFR Dabolim to Chennai, India
On Wednesday 13th October 2021, at 9pm BST (2000Z) we will host an IFR flight from Dabolim to Chennai, India.
Flight Plan
IFR Dabolim (VOGO) to Chennai Intl (VOMM).pln (4.5 KB)
Airport : VOGO Dabolim
Runway : 08
En-Route Waypoints
BBI (VOR 112.80)
BIB (VOR 114.50)
Airport : VOMM Chennai Intl
Runway : 25
Approach : ILS FI25
Suggested Aircraft
Any of the commercial aircraft. The flight is estimated to take 1hr 20mins in the A320, landing at 10:20pm BST (2120Z) – be prepared to take off early if flying anything slower that may impact the arrival time significantly.
Voice Communications
Voice communication will be provided via the VirtualFlight.Online Discord Server:
Please take a quick look at the rules channel of the discord server. We’re trying to build a relaxed, inclusive, welcoming environment for flight simulator enthusiasts. With your help, we can achieve that aim.
Connect to the “SOUTH EAST ASIA” server in MSFS (click your Microsoft avatar within the configuration screens to see the server choice).
If you would like to see other aircraft within mapping software such as LittleNavMap while en-route, check out the Transmitter application: