VirtualFlight.Online IFR Terrace to Vancouver, BC Canada

2021-10-30 IFR Terrace to Vancouver, BC Canada

On Saturday 30th September 2021, at 2:30 pm EDT (1830Z) we will host an IFR flight from Terrance Regional Airport in British Columbia (BC) Canada, to Vancouver International, BC Canada.

Flight Plan

IFR_Terrace_CYXT_to_Vancouver_Intl_CYVR_8L.pln (10.0 KB)

Airport : CYXT Terrace Regional, BC Canada
Runway : 33

En-Route Waypoints
GARRE (Add this waypoint to get a proper transition onto the STAR at BOOTH)

Airport : CYVR Vancouver International, BC Canada
Runway : 08L
Approach : ILS RWY08L

Suggested Aircraft

Any of the commercial aircraft. The flight is estimated to take 1.5 hours in the A320, landing at 4:00pm EDT (2000Z) – so be prepared to take off early if flying anything slower that may impact the arrival time significantly.

Voice Communications

Voice communication will be provided via the VirtualFlight.Online Discord Server:


Connect to the “SOUTH EAST ASIA” server in MSFS (click your Microsoft avatar within the configuration screens to see the server choice). If you would like to see other aircraft within mapping software such as LittleNavMap while en-route, check out the Transmitter application.


This is a scenic flight, so set weather to CLEAR or HIGH LEVEL CLOUDS. Set time to mid day to a pleasing sun position for you.


We will aim for an ONTIME departure of 2:30 pm EDT (1830Z), so please arrive in time to have your aircraft ready to depart at that time.

This is a Regional Airport, so the apron is small. I suggest you start your airplane and taxi out on RWY21, Holding Short of Rwy33.

This a Tear Drop Departure, which will overfly the departing Airport, so opportunities to see others in the group flying.

There will be no ATC, so if the departing aircraft reports when they have reached 2000 ft, it will signal the next aircraft to takeoff, and give a good spacing.