VirtualFlight.Online - VFR Gran Canaria to Tenerife

2021-10-17 1630Z VFR Gran Canaria to Tenerife

On Sunday October 17, we will host a general aviation VFR flight from El Berriel (GCLB) to Reina Sofia (GCTS), visiting airfields and landmarks along the way.
We are taking off sharp at 1630Z - Please load your aircraft 5 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway.

Flight Plan

The 110 NM ~1h30 route is as follows:

GCLB El Berriel

  1. GCLP Gran Canaria (Touch-and-Go)
  2. WP1 Morrón de la Agujereada (Flyover)
  3. WP2 Agaete (Flyover)
  4. GCXO Los Rodeos (Touch-and-Go)
  5. WP3 Montana Ayosa (Flyover)
  6. WP4 Pico del Teide 12,200 ft (Flyover)
  7. WP5 El Calderón (Flyover)
  8. GCTS Reina Sofia (Full-Stop)

Flight plan PLN file available on the VirtualFlight.Online Discord Server in the Flight\events section


Any GA around 110KTS.

Time & Weather

We’ll try 1000Z & Live Weather and see how it looks like

Voice Communications

Voice communication will be provided via the VirtualFlight.Online Discord Server in the Voice Channels\Chat
Please set up “Push-to-Talk” to avoid unnecessary background noise


Connect to the WEST EUROPE server in MSFS - click your Microsoft avatar within the configuration screens to see the server choice.
If you would like to see other aircraft in LittleNavMap, check out the Transmitter application VirtualFlight.Online Transmitter for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

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