Just made my first short flight with it.
Just a couple of circuits around my home base.
Funny plane to fly around with.
The parachute works great also. ( had to disable crashdamage to prevent being thrown back in the air after touching mother earth)
I saw that TAKE OFF EMER BAT message too, and a message regarding fuel.
IRL I would have called a certified mechanic ( or , at least a CFI) but for now, I’m fine.
Yes, correct, that’s the payware version. But they left it out of the 2024 version and I wondered if that’s because it’s in the EFB now. Obviously they didn’t change anything yet in the payware version.
Yep, via the EFB. Press the Airplane icon and then Mass & Balance (or something like that). You can set and load various things from there. It replaces the toolbar payload option you had in 2020.
Thank you for posting, OP. I also noticed the backup battery amps displaying garbage numbers at random on the Garmin glass display, to then flash the “Take Off Emer Bat” caution. Noticed it does it when the Vision Jet is transitioning to incline and when I rapidly increase throttle.
I tried doing diagnostics in plane and most of the functions related to electronics do not exist.
First time I have ever flown it was this weekend. The check list was there and functional on Xbox X. The emergency battery flashes because it fluctuates due to loads for some reason. I had the Cabin Pressure not set warning, but couldn’t figure out where or how to set it, can someone please point me in the right direction?
Gee, in many hours flying it in 2020 I never recall ever setting cabin pressure. I may be mistaken or remiss, but isn’t it an automation item? Anyway, maybe fuss with some of the environmental controls and make sure Fresh Air (bleed air) & Oxygen are on? Good one!
And it works in 2024 exactly as in 2020 for me, no changes there. That said, I am using a mouse connected to my Xbox Series X to access and scroll through the checklist. Perhaps the problem is input device and/or platform dependent?
But if you have the 2020 paid addon then you will see that one in 2024 as well. Are you flying the one labelled Microsoft or the one by Flightfx? They show separately in the game.
I agree with the others. I do have the ffx vision jet and the checklist is working there, but on the MS version the checklist is not coming up on the PFD at all.
For the sake of clarity, I just started a flight in 2024 on a runway in the Microsoft 2024 VisionJet. The model spawned with the checklist displayed on the Garmin PFD. I am able to scroll through and check of items using a USB mouse plugged into the Series X. My copy of the sim is a Marketplace purchase and I am not driving a Steam version. My purpose here is not to challenge other pilots, rather just share what is working for me today. I realize others have different controllers, set-ups, versions, etc. Hopefully folks find some solutions. Ok off to Madrid! Peace out.
It’s weird, mine is also MSStore on PC with marketplace both MS and FFX and nothing I tried could get the checklist showing on the MS version. I’ve no idea what the difference could be. I did start at parking not the runway.