Vision Jet bugs

Hey guys, the Vision Jet in 2024 have some bugs as we can see. I’m trying to recopile the ones that seems to be the most commons.

  • Amps/Volts completely inestable that triggers the EMER BAT TAKEOFF warning on CAS. I noticed it happens mostly when Throttle is increased.

  • The LAND lights doesn’t work at all, and the NAV/STROBE doesn’t have any visual impact on the ground either.

  • When selecting an approach, the ILS frequency is not selected automatically.

  • In similar terms, the VLOC mode is not changed automatically from FMS/GPS source on final approach, you have to change it manually or gonna miss the Glide Slope.

  • Outside model have a huge gap inside the cabin, when looking from the front straight back. It’s like a window that goes through the engine.

  • In similar terms, when CAPS parachute is deployed, a massive model gap can be seeing on the parachute compartment.

  • AUTOLAND doesn’t work.

  • Additionally, some important systems are not simulated, like the ETS emergency button on the top panel, the FLAPS page in the MFD, the ability to adjust screens brightness, or the BACKUP SCREENS button.

Ah, thanks for that! I have been using the SimBrief EFB plugin and loading the plan using that one doesn’t always load the plan properly: could well be this was the case when I got that LFE caution. Good to know where it came from!

We have a ‘nice’ list of bugs by now. The question is: will anyone take notice and do something about it? :wink: I am not sure if FFX is still in control when it comes to this or if MS Asobo will have to fix it all…

Plus for most of us the G3000 checklist is not working.

Hey guys, is it normal to only get 70% take off power in certain scenarios? I took off in the vision jet from Sedona and could not get full engine power during the take off roll

No, not normal. I’ve never experienced that, either in 2020 or 2024.