Vision Jet G2 vs HondaJet

Thanks to this thread I’ve just bought the Cirrus Jet. Wow what a great little plane. Perfect for me - a GA flyer who would like to travel a little quicker. Such a wonderful modern cockpit - but with a great view out for VFR flying.

One thing I couldn’t work out - is it possible to show airspaces on the MFD map? I couldn’t see the option.


You cannot show airspace at the moment but once the updated G3000 gets into the sim in January and FFX implements, it should be there along with many other features.


You keep listening to that engine :grin: I know that the moment I turn on the noise suppression of my A20 it’s SO much nicer to be up there. You stay so much more vital without he constant tiring wind and engine noise.

Of course it doesn’t kill everything completely and you can hear your engine just fine. Just less obnoxiously loud.

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I love that we can see towns on the MFD map, I hope we don’t lose that when we move over to the new default G3000.

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It’s not so bad. I actually had the opportunity to fly passenger in a real life Vision Jet a few months ago. Admittedly I was wearing headphones (certainly not those fancy Bose A20’s) but as I recall even when I took them off to speak to the other passengers the engine noise wasn’t overwhelming.

I do like the way FFX have implemented some little features for added realism but if there’s just one I’d really like them to remove it’s the aircraft cover. I have it on good authority that it is rather difficult to get into the jet with the cover still on, and even more difficult to remove it yourself from the left hand seat.


I can’t find a brightness control for the Cirrus MFD or PFD. Is there one?

The next update will default to having the cover off…


Funny, I was asking myself this same question earlier this week. Love the appeal of both jets but ultimately went with the Cirrus. For me it was the 270* view out the front, the avionics are great. I like to do a lot of mountain flying he. After flying it, it’s such a fun VLJ. From reviews of the HJet I don’t think you can go wrong either way. Like others have stated, and if you have the means/budget, get both.

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I have enjoyed a couple flights in the VJet today. It is so light it was a challenge steering it down gently. Didn’t help that winds were really up there today.

And I agree hand flying it is very nice although I am using a yoke instead of a stick.


I fly the vision in x plane and its very easy to fly i recommend it for msfs

Ha yes i have every intention of flying it with my new Thrustmaster yoke too. I’ve bought the jet but decided to hanger it until the new updated G3000 gets incorporated. Once you’ve had a taste of the new version, you can’t go back to that archaic old version. (Like they say, “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig…”)

I took the plunge and bought a used Logitech Flight Stick to fly the Vision Jet. Gotta fit out my new ride ya know!!!


I know this is an addon to this thread but to me it seems the participants might know the answer. I orginally bought the HJet and found it difficult to see out of (cockpit view) and honestly too finicky to fly comportably. I just purchased the Visionjet and my first several flights were almost perfect. And that includes full use of the avionics/ap/etc.
I do have one quesiton thought, when I’m on auto-throttle and I wish to change my speed I must press the MAN button then scroll the speed wheel to effect any change. The issue I have is that I cannot see the speed indicator on the PFD. If I center my view and zoom back so both items are in the frame then I cannot read the speed numbers as they’re too small for my eyes. I was wondering if anyone is aware of any keyboard key combo that would control the speed value because that means I wouldn’t have to take my view off the PFD.
Hopefully someone had a suggestion.
So whom ever has this aircraft . . . have fun.


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Anyone using this plane with the AA1 beta? I assume i will get the AA1 avionics instead of the custom g?

ETA: Purchased the plane and had a great flight this AM. I assume this still uses the custom G3000 as I was able to load my FP from the main screen and no coupled VNAV. Very similar in feel (and speed) to the TBM, but the TBM has coupled VNAV and the flight plan bug. Not sure which to use right now…

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If you mean the Vision Jet, you will get the custom avionics that shipped with it, not the new AA1 avionics. I don’t know about the HondaJet but I suspect the same.

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IIRC the speed control responds to the airspeed hold setting (also used for “IAS” or “FLC” vertical autopilot modes). You should be able to bind a keyboard command to select it (if there isn’t already a default one) and then use the “plus” and “minus” commands (which are probably bound to something sensible by default).

I agree with everything you’ve said about both aircraft. Didn’t make a mistake buying both. I like the Ferrari vs Limo analogy, very true. The VisionJet is limited in range vs the HJ, but you adapt to the limitations. I do flight planning in LittleNav Map and developed an aircraft performance file for that, but haven’t started on the HondaJet yet. It would be cool if someone had already developed one, takes several flights at different ranges, speeds and altitudes to get meaningful results. An earlier post mentioned bugs in the G3000 on both aircraft, for sure on the VJ but not certain what is being referred to on the HJ. Seems to work OK to me, but I’m no expert.

There are profiles for the HJet and Vision Jet. I include them here - the HJet one is by others. the VJ one is mine from Beta-testing the product.

FlightFX HJET HA420.lnmperf (2.0 KB)
FlightFX Vision Jet G2_AFM_Final.lnmperf (1.8 KB)


Awesome! Thank you, I don’t fly a lot of different aircraft, but if you need another performance file developed and I’ll be happy to crash a whole bunch of different aircraft attempting to develop one… LOL!

Is the Vision Jet a G2 model?