I am on the cusp of purchasing my first payware aircraft. I am at an impasse between the Honda Jet or the Vision Jet.
Any reason you recommend one over the other. They are both by the same dev FlightFX. They are both so unique and special in their own right I am having a hard time deciding.
Any lesser known facts about each that may help in my decision?
Was about to start a similar thread as Im looking at adding a payware biz jet to my bulging hangar…so will be interested in opinions of those that have both
I bought the HJet soon after it came out, now I have the Vision Jet. Both Jet’s are very well done but have different specs and purpose. If you like high and fast and maybe into Heavies, the HJet may be for you. However if you want slightly less performance but want to get into significantly more Airports and enjoy more scenery, that’s where the Vision Jet shines.
Either jet are similar in quantity, so if you can’t get both. Just decide by the type of flying you want to do.
Yes they are both great planes…
Another consideration if shelling out on both is a bit of an issue - the stock CJ4 and Longtitude are both getting astonishing makeovers in MSFS - we are lucky to be evaluating them in beta. They are both fabulous business jets and the level of work that has gone into developing them is astonishing. You won’t be disappointed… they are both fast and high altitude performers… the Longtitude does require the Deluxe edition.
That might pragmatically make it easier for you.
And the Vision is a simply outstanding purchase. FFX have just knocked it out of the park with this one I think…
I was pretty disappointed with the HJet, albeit for very personal reasons. Its a gorgeous plane and I know most people like it.
But you do most stuff by mouse clicking on screens and there is very little actual button work. Plus, some of the items that ARE on (bindable) buttons dont seem to work - or rather, they didnt. Might have changed. Its been a while.
This taught me the lesson that no matter how many reviews you read and videos you watch, it will never fully tell you everything. Hence I made the decision, not to buy any other plane else unless we will have some sort of trial demo function.
I own both. I lost interest in the H-Jet pretty quickly after purchase. I was hesitant to buy another ‘VLJ’ but the price was so good on the V-Jet so I bought it. I have not flown anything else for the last 2 weeks…I love it. I even bought ‘OnAir’ and set up a small charter airline for it. Aside from the G3000 bugs (also present in the H-Jet) it is a joy to fly around. Sound package is top notch as well (The H-jet sound package IMO is not that great…too much jet engine wine at cruise which should not exist). Both will be much improved once the WT G3000 gets implemented but I personally would recommend the V-Jet if trying to choose one.
I have both. Disclaimer: I’m also a Beta Tester for the Vision Jet.
You can’t go wrong with either. Marwan built a system rich reproduction of the HJet on the legacy WT G3000 (not the new AAU, but the 0.7.8 Community Mod) that you can hardly tell it’s the same FMS. And he’s about to add an upgrade that among other things will deliver the HJet to Elite II model standards - that means the long desired Auto-throttle, plus climb VNAV coupled to the autopilot - and he’s NOT using the Early Access AAU1 G3000 yet. This is all sunk work he’s done independent of when Working Title would release their refresh of the Garmin. That’s impressive. Full stop.
Luk (B055man_VolcTech) is not to be outdone. He, Lio (graphics), Boris (sfx) and Nick have all delivered an amazing Vision Jet also using just the WT G3000 Legacy. We have a whole bunch of folks who flew the living daylights out of this plane, including real life Owner-Operators and critiqued/fine-tuned. And Luk is preparing a .20 patch that will deliver coupled descent VNAV (again independent of AAU 1 Garmin - using Legacy only), and it has Auto-throttle and the SR22 Perspective Deck experience rolled into a jet.
The Vision Jet is like a Tesla Coupe, very easy to fly, very straightforward once you understand the performance envelope and handling. Think of it like a TBM with a Jet Engine, because they are indeed market competitors for the same mission sets and buyers.
The HJet I would say is more a competitor to the CJ4 if we’re sticking with planes that exist today in the MSFS ecosystem. But the G3000 Marwan built upon is a lot easier to learn than the Rockwell Collins ProLine 21 on the Citation. And just as feature rich. It also has longer range and higher performance envelope than either the Vision Jet or the TBM.
With my disclaimer in mind, you can’t go wrong with either. And in the spirit of material holiday gift giving (especially to one’s self) why not get both?
I have both, and try to fly them as realistically as possible, so I use a stick on my left hand for the vision and a Yoke for the Hjet.
Both are superb airplanes, really crafted with a lot of love. You will enjoy both if you get them.
Having said that I prefer the Vision because the Hjet windows -to me- are weird I dislike the pilot cockpit view but not because of the add-on, it is just ugly in the real plane. Again this is subjective.
The little Vision is a joy to hand-fly, the Hjet not so much. Subjective opinion.