Visit forum less, enjoy sim more

As long as feedback is constructive and fact based, then I have no issue with people raising valid concerns. If it all gets emotional and just a platform for people to moan then that is different.

We all expect everything now, and to be 100% perfect all the time, and although I agree there are flaws in the current system I am sure these will be ironed out and fixed over time.

Personally I am enjoying my time in MSFS as I have been an ardent X-Planer for many years and this is my first step away.

Neither are perfect, however now having a choice of what to fly really boosts my enjoyment of our hobby.

Tomorrow I will be back at work stressing about really important stuff, but for now I will enjoy a few hours somewhere overhead.

The future is bright if we just give it a chance. Just think where we have come since the first days of flight sinning
Happy days!

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I agree with feedback being fact based, but I add truth based too, because not all facts are true.

That word “constructive” defeats the purpose of reporting problems. As long as that word “constructive” is the standard for reporting issues, very little will get fixed
proof is in the many 1 star reviews of late (many more to come). Then you notice that some of the few 5 star reviewers feel a need to refute 1 star reviews. It is amazing how double standards that are attempted to favor a position end up making such a mess of so much more
Proof is in the 5 star reviews that say ‘this is such a great sim but I know it has major issues’ – how can it be both?? 
it can’t!

“Constructive” leads the issues to be too one sided in favor of the developer only. Just like them 5 star “I hate it but its great” reviews - they serve no purpose at all.

Some of the reasons the forums get out of hand:

  • When reported problems get refuted by other users
  • When complaints get trampled and ganged up on by others
  • When complainers are called names like whinners
  • When moderators feel the need to close the topics because of all of the above

If complaints can be left for the MSFS development team to handle, maybe some major problems can be solved faster. The forums would be a better place too. As long as this same situation exists the problems will continue
not constructive, but stagnant/backwards/useless.




  1. serving a useful purpose; tending to build up.

“constructive criticism”


positive · useful · of use · helpful · encouraging · productive · practical · valuable · profitable · worthwhile · effective · beneficial · advantageous

  1. law

derived by inference; implied by operation of law; not obvious or explicit.

“constructive liability”

  1. mathematics

relating to, based on, or denoting mathematical proofs which show how an entity may in principle be constructed or arrived at in a finite number of steps.

I always read these when I get into bed haha


Very interesting to find this particular post on the day I’m back from a short vacation with my wife. I quite intentionally did not look at the Forum, even though I brought my laptop with me. I was quite enjoying my time with my wife, who - if I’m 100% honest - has become something of a widow to Flight Sim these past couple of months. What a great change to enjoy her company fully and completely without worrying about loading an approach to KSFO! Instead, we were in San Francisco enjoying the stunningly beautiful day at the Presidio, watching doggies chase balls and listening to children laugh.

 I’d take it one step further than ditching the Forum: I’d ditch Flight Sim now and again, and take someone you love on a drive in the country or on a hike. There’s a whole lot more to life than “flying” a simulated aircraft and/or commenting about your experience in this Forum.

I’m sure you all know this, but maybe a little nudge away from the computer isn’t the worst thing. This pandemic has changed life for all of us. Don’t let it take away the joy of spending time with those you love. :slight_smile:


The three grumpy simmers spoke about this and more in their latest episode. It’s an hour long vidcast so most people wouldn’t have the patience to watch it for that long but in case anyone’s interested:

We are always open to suggestions, feel free to create a topic in #community:general-discussion-feedback and apply the tag forum-feedback so that we get a notification.

Thanks :+1:

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Yep, I visited and posted in this forum all the time during the alpha and early days of release, but now spend almost all my free time just playing FS2020, or more specifically flying around enjoying the scenery of different parts of the world.

All you need is play. All we need is improve the best fligh sim for us.

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Thanks for sharing. The vidcast is really on-topic, gives good food for thought, is really worth watching and can also give an insight into the culture of a flight sim forum IMO. :+1:
I’m not sure if every flight sim should have a Mental Health Warning and recommendation to watch this vidcast on purchase, or if a flight sim forum admin should regularly recommend a watching (might save forum admin a lot of work and make the forum more friendly).

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I think the issue here is expectations. I was “around” during the early Microsoft sim days
but could not afford it. Then the British Sinclair ZX81 came along and they had wire-frame flight sim on a whopping 16K of memory
it was pure ecstasy for me then. Now fast forward 40 years later with this 2020 release - totally mind blowing for me, in the words of Niels Bohr - quantum leap! And enjoying EVERY SINGLE bit!

Think some of the folks here have been too spoilt for choices and did not experience the early days and tend to be negative and nit-picking over every little issue. Why not just be appreciative and enjoy the flight? This sim can only get better

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“I think the issue here is expectations.”

“This sim can only get better

Yes, exactly. But probably not for the reasons you’re thinking.

Share with me what are the reasons that I have not thought of?

Hi Siewmengtan,

I’m not saying there are reasons you haven’t thought of - I’m saying the reasons you gave can have different meanings than what you likely intended:

“I think the issue here is expectations.”
At a foundational level, a lot of people rightly expect for the sim to contain the features and functions shown in the many official video releases, and for them to work properly.

“This sim can only get better
This can imply that it cannot get worse
 Not a great endorsement; also likely implies it has many things that need to be addressed. This is true.

That people who purchased based on official marketing being asked to accept all the shortcomings is unfortunate at best. That others accept and enjoy the sim in its current state isn’t relevant.

Undoubtedly, some people could express their frustrations more productively, but I am impressed at the restraint the Admins and Moderators show in allowing free discourse.

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Excellent original post. I completely agree.

I used to play Elite Dangerous and I had the exact same experience with the forums for that game. Though not a true “sim”, Elite Dangerous is similar in scope and complexity, and amazing in VR. When I started playing it I was amazed by what the devs had accomplished. Then I started following the forums and taking in the negativity, which really did start to taint my experience. I even started questioning my own judgement - I must really be missing something if I think this is good while so many people seem to think it sucks.

After a while, though, I started to realize that it was the same few characters who continually bashed the game and the devs, and hijacked every positive thread calling people who enjoyed the game “white knights”, “fanboys”, etc. It became apparent that the negativity was actually these folks’ hobby, not the game. So I eventually went back to enjoying the game without the forums, and low and behold, it became fun again.

Thankfully, I don’t think this forum’s “negative noise” level is anywhere near what I experienced there. This is a new sim, and there is a lot to refine, and as someone else mentioned, some amount of negativity may be warranted and may help to direct ongoing development efforts. But there is a constructive way to go about this, which IMO involves appreciation for the amazing work that has already gone into this sim, and appreciation for the complexity under the hood.

It is clear to me that Asobo & MS want this sim to be amazing and are listening to the community as they refine it. So I think we’ll get more of what we want out of them by acknowledging the incredible efforts of the developers and what’s great about the sim, And we’ll get more out of the sim itself by ignoring the negativity and enjoying our own experience for what it is.


Good on you OP. One thing I’ll comment on is that people really shouldn’t get too wrapped up with peoples’ opinions online especially when it starts to influence your own personal experience (or life). If you buy a product, and you enjoy it, what people say online really shouldn’t matter (whether such comments are valid, or invalid). If you take things to heart, it starts to get unhealthy. The internet is simply too vast, with people who can anonymously post both valid and invalid information.

I’ve been cruising different forums since dial-up modems and in my experience, you tend to find negativity in all forms everywhere you go. MSFS is not the first title with a flood of negative comments on the forum, and it won’t be the last. In fact, a lot of AAA games out there save a few exceptions have forums similar to this one–with bugs, bad experiences, you name it. MSFS is certainly not the worst I’ve seen it.

Outside of the gaming world though, I even get a flood of negative comments in forums pertaining to my career, or even where I live as well (due to political instability, fake news, conspiracies, and all kinds of bizarre internet things). Stuff like this can make anyone feel bad if people let it.

Whether you find the sim the greatest thing since sliced bread, or whether you you feel that there is a lot to be desired, the life lesson here is don’t let internet opinions get to you. Not everyone is going to be agreeable to you, and sometimes those not agreeable to you might even outnumber you quite a bit. But who cares? Those who do care probably lead unhappy lives. When you can enjoy something without having that being influenced by someone elses’ opinion, you will find it to be one of the most liberating experiences.

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Your video you shared this is the reality, people that focus 100% on software\forums, it’s really bad, better to quit and change life style, will only getting worst, you will never be happy with any software, never been, it just does the reverse result to worst.

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Goin’ fly.
CTD - returned to forum for search workaround

Fly again for achievement

Not work - returned to forum for search workaround

Trying to do something - got error.

I would be glad not to return and enjoying, but the number of errors and imperfections makes me come back here over and over again.

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Right now I’m having to use Windows 10’s default ‘WordPad’ to copy and paste a bunch of text for an assignment. It’s such a major pain in the ‘you-know-where’ to have to click on Paste, then a dialog box comes up where I have to click again on ‘Paste as Unformatted text’. Imagine having to do that 200+ times. I’m definitely not happy. “Devs took my money and ran. Wordpad was rushed” :frowning:


Sorry about your issue. Don’t bite my head off. My PC knowledge is perhaps limited but as I have been watching a Netflix series, I have to ask : ‘Have you tried restarting your computer?’

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