Vive Cosmos Experience Settings

Hi all,

Have been (rather painfully) playing around with the Cosmos settings for the last few days and now have something that works.

See screenshots of settings that seem to provide a good compromise on my system:

  • Intel(R) Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
  • 32GB RAM
  • 2 TB SSD
  • Nvidia Geoforce RTX2080Ti

Nvidia Control Panel Settings:
Capture Capture1 Capture2

Vive Console Settings:

SteamVR Settings:

MSFS2020 Settings:

Overall these seem to give a reasonable performance vs graphics quality.

Key points to note:

  1. Turn off Windows Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling in Windows 10 Graphics settings (under Display/Graphics Settings), but you can leave the Variable Refresh rate on.

  2. In Vive Console - do not use motion compensation (leads to screen tearing). Also try and avoid using Performance Priority Mode (it smooths but leads to fuzzy virtually unreadable EFIS and text).

  3. Turn off the VFR Map icon in the MSFS toolbar settings (a bug that make the flight plan disappear when switching to VR)

  4. Map your VR view controls to bindings first!

Also make sure you are using the latest beta versions of both Steam VR and Vive Console.

Hope this is useful for someone.


Thanks for sharing youre setting for the Cosmos. Although I can not go as high as 150 pixel-density, the rest is similar.

Did you gain anything when using the betas of Steam VR and Vive Console? I get Artefacts within my left lense when using the beta console. So had to switch back to stable.

Cheers, Cello

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My betas seem to work OK, though I had managed to install the wrong one initially! I am still getting some CTDs occasionally though, so might revert to the stable one if that continues to see if it helps, (though difficult to tell if its the VR or something else as am using ORBX scenery and the Working Title G1000 mod).

Now it is working well I may monkey some more with the SteamVR resolution slider vs the VR render scaling one in MSFS2020 to see if I can improve text clarity a little more.


P.S. Also just discovered that ORBX Kelowna (CYLW) is the cause of a reoccurring CTD, so some progress!

Hi guys, got a chance to grab cosmos for a fair price but i am reading so much bad things about the tracking. How is it in real ise? Thanks

Mine tracks fine, but it doesn’t like low-light rooms, so best to use it in a brightly lit environment.

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