Vive Pro 2 Game Crash when switch to VR mode (SOLVED)

I recently upgraded my Vive Pro with the Vive Pro 2. When FS2020 is started and when I switch to VR Mode, the game crashes en SteamVR shutsdown with een unexpected error. Has anyone any idea what may cause this problem ?
I have no problem with any other VR game. I also tried out different resolutions .

Eventually I fixed the problem. I reconnected my ā€˜oldā€™ HTC Vive Pro and I got the error ā€œinitialzation of VR failedā€ and OpenXR not detected.

I checked the registrykey:
KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1 and maked sure the ActiveRuntime value is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\steamxr_win64.json

Somehow this value pointed to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VIVEDriver\App\ViveVRRuntime\ViveVR_openxr\ViveOpenXRHandTracking\ViveOpenXRHandTracking.json

I changed this value and VR worked on my old Vive Pro. After switching back to my Vive Pro 2 everything worked great.

I have to say FS2020 looks incredible stunning and smooth with de Vive Pro 2. Hopefully motion controllers are supported soon.

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How clear is the writing on the panels and displays with the Pro 2 ?

Well super clear within the sweetspot. The wow factor comes especially from the surrounding because of the higher resolution.

How is the sweet spot in other VR games if you have any? Im wondering because the 200% thing helps the G2 in this area. Maybe when they get around to fixing the VR bugs, the sweet spot issue with the VP2 might go away.

having the same problem worked fine with my vive pro then switched over to vive pro 2 and now every time it crashed to desktop when i go to VR.
Could you tell me how exactly that you did it ā€¦


I explained it above, or what Is it you dont understand?

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