VKB Gladiator NXT Premium

Hey everyone!

I have an opportunity to buy the VKB stick, I’ve generally seen some very positive feedback on it and it’d be my first flying peripheral ever.

Should I get it? I’m pretty clueless about the whole matter and I’ve been thinking about it since forever by now, I’d get a yoke too but I think joysticks are more universal, also as far as a throttle goes I’m not getting anything but the Honeycomb Bravo one, doesn’t matter how long it’d take to wait for that one…

Any kind of help would be very appreciated! :slight_smile:

I have been using the NXT Gladiator for about a month now and I would highly recommend it.
The build is better then I expected, High quality.
The Buttons are all located perfectly.
The Buttons actions are great but some of then are stiff (takes a little bit more pressure to activate)
Set up is not the easiest but its a one time prosses.
There will hopefully be some add-ons soon like throttle and panels to purchase. Development seems slow at VKB but probable for the better.
Hope this helps.

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Oh and get the Pro version. Adds an 8-way hat switch and a 4 way thumb switch/button.
Ill see you in the sky’s!

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Could you share your FS2020 profile for the NXT Pro?