VKB Gladiator NXT Question

Hi, some questions for VKB Gladiator Owners.

Is the stick just plug and play like some other joysticks? Thinking of replacing the Thrustmaster T1600m as its declining in function.
As im based outside US, a friend will bring it here for me from US.


You need to calibrate it.

There’s both a calibration and a button/function utility. Easy enough to use and it’s set it and forget it. Awesome controller.

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The VKB Gladiator NXT is a great flight stick.

Easy to do.
Follow the instructions to setup the NXT EVO.

You’ll have to program your presets in FS2020.
I bought the "Premium Grip in order to get the mimi stick.

Here are mine to use as a reference to get you started.

Then, it is easy to configure if you want to change what each
button does.

Note that I also have the FSN-GA module that lets you select options without having to use the mouse on the cockpit.
It is great.

If you get the FSM-GA, I’ll reply with configs for the NXT EVO with FSM-GA
and also the FSM-GA.

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No, there is no default control setting like with some others if that was your original question.

However setting them up is quick, even if you don’t want to touch the VKB config tool (except for calibration if you want to do it that way)

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The advantage is it avoids issues happening with pre-programed functions with some others joysticks. And setting up needed functions in MSFS is fast and easy.

A precision concerning “calibration” with VKB joysticks:
This process not only calibrate the joystick but also “inform” it of wich grip is used (left or right hand, version of grip, etc
So it MUST be done before anything else. One time is enough until you don’t change the type of grip.
Don’t use Windows calibration or DIView , they won’t work in this case.
Follow the tutorials and MSFSRonS advices and your setup will be made with “fingers in the nose”. :wink:
You’ll be convinced by VKBs devices.

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It’s a Chinese product. You might not need to get it from the US.
They have dedicated dealers for:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Russia
  • Australia / New Zealand
  • India
  • Asia-Pacific-Oceania

No Africa or South/Central America.

VKBSIM My VKB Controls My Universe – VKBsim Flight Controllers (vkb-sim.pro)

Where to buy? – VKB North America (vkbcontrollers.com)

Side note - I’m totally in love with this stick. For me it was an absolute game changer, coming from T.16000 and several others before that.


Thank you everyone! Will order now

Edit: do i need the “rapid fire trigger? Gonna use the button for brakes

Personally, I use the extra trigger for brakes if I don’t bother to set up my rudder pedals. Towards me brakes, away from me - parking brakes.

The red main trigger I use for radio in VATSIM and FSI Panel. I have the dual action trigger and use the harder press for the “repeat” option in FSI Panel, but it’s not necessary.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. There is a plethora of buttons available and you can set it up however you like. Probably different profiles for different aircraft.

Both buttons have 2 positions.

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Copy! I cant use my rudder pedals anymore as i am unable to control my feet anymore


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Yes, you never have enough buttons or triggers !
A tip to increase your number of buttons:
You can use a button as a modifier.
Let’s say the button N°1 is the modifier, and button N°2 is binded to brakes, you can use N°1+N°2 together for anything else, i.e. parking brakes or whatever you want.
The only limitation is this won’t work with axis. Only buttons, triggers or encoders (and POV but you have to know how to proceed).
On the SCG grip I use the grey lateral button because it is easy to be pressed in conjuction with other buttons with one hand.

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Thanks! Now im having 2nd thoughts to proceed with the rapid fire option rather than the standard one lol

I recommend the premium. I have both and regret not getting two premiums. Thought I wouldn’t need the extra buttons. Bad decision. It’s worth the extra $30.

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I use the Red dual action trigger for brakes.

1st switch position as brakes
2nd switch position as Parking Brake.

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Persuaded to get the premium haha,

Thanks guys!


In addition to the 2nd trigger, the Premium version gets you 1 or 2 extra 8-way hats instead of plain buttons, plus the analogue mini-stick. These are all very useful.

Make sure to use the calibration software, which you can also use to set custom response curves. It took me a while to get fully used to it, but it is amazingly versatile and powerful.

Once you feel the Gladiator in direct comparison to the T16000M, you’ll wish you made the change long ago!