VKB Gladiator NXT

Yes, don’t worry that the game developers didn’t include a pretty picture and a set of default mapping/binding for you. The VKB Gladiator NXT is pretty much a better stick than any of the ones which have pictures :wink:

None of my input devices have pictures, and none came with pre defined configurations but they all work fine.


OK, all that is nice but where is the file to add in msfsmmmsmfmfmsfmf
I dare to hope that it is not because we are using a real good practically professional joystick and in addition at a very good price, that a game for children that is much too expensive for the little that it obviously offers, should not be the effort to integrate the configuration files for the joystick.
And to say that there are already the settings entries even if they are empty, I would answer that FORTUNATELY YES because VKB uses the standard Microsoft game controller without any additional driver while Microsoft does not have a pre-setting for the controller standard microsoft game, it’s still a little beyond me!

Maybe my settings will help you assign the FS2020 presets.

Hello, iit is hard to me to understand you set like this but i’ll read and read it agains some time and i think that YES, it will help.
Thanks a lot.

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Mine just arrived today, and I’m setting it up. Pleased so far, but lots more work to do.

I’m curious what types of functions people have found for the “dual stage” trigger. Anything unique that you’ve found it works well for?

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Only a couple days in, and no surprise, it’s really a great controller. I went with the premium stick. So many options for control assignments that I have bound my most frequent functions and still have a few buttons remaining :joy:

The mode section on the thumb stick that lets you change it on the fly from an 8-way hat switch to a fully analog thumb stick is brilliant.

I appreciate the little details and extras they include, even down to including a protective sheath to use on the wire assembly when inserting the stick into the base.

I would like to add a STECS Standard throttle, but I’m questioning what I would actually do with all the additional toggles, switches, levers, encoders, and axes. For now, I’m still using my Thrustmaster TWCS throttle.

One complaint. The included pamphlet and associated YouTube video that details initial calibration are wrong or outdated. I could not get calibration to work. Thanks to a Reddit thread I found detailing the same issue, I learned I needed to use the VKB configuration tool to reset the stick to default settings before running the calibration routine. That was not noted in any of the official documentation I saw.

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yes, it is a realy nice joystick…
what a pitty that there is no pre configured binds in FS for it.
But if you had installed all needed bind in your, perhaps you will pos here screenshot og your setting? so we can copy it for us?
I know this joystick verry welle, i have it for more than one year and use it in elite dangerous odissey but my probl is the FS setting that are realy hard to choice the min,imal needed and no making error in my choice. there is 24H i’m on setting but this is not good for now and i can’t fly whit becaus of that…
Have a nice end off the year.

if you talk about dual trigger “button 1 and 2” i simply used it for fast view left and right.
pov left= fast view left 45°
pov left + (trigger1) = fast view left 90°
pov left + (trigger 1and 2) = fast view left 120°

I use the trigger for “push to talk” for the co-pilot addon I use. So dual stage trigger isn’t useful for me.

Choices are very personal, but here are mine. There’s no great way to create a simple summary, so here are screenshots of my controls settings.

Currently I do not have anything bound to the second trigger position, the SW1 (centering toggle switch), or the top left thumb stick when in “analog” mode.

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Save your pennies for their GA FSM module/panel instead. I already had a Saitek/Logitech TQ, and needed a panel. It’s great for all the GFC AP controls.

That panel is very cool, and only $99 which I think is very affordable. I would have already purchased but for the fact I have a DIY autopilot box I bought that covers pretty much everything you would have on a Mode Control Panel, including knobs and LED readouts for speed, heading, altitude, and V/S.

My gear acquisition syndrome is telling me to sell my Thrustmaster setup to subsidize the STECS :rofl:

Sell Thrustmaster, buy VKB. This is the way.

In all seriousness, I have the STECS and it is very good indeed. I previously had the Gladiator NXT with SEM, THQ and FSM GA panels attached, but the STECS adds a lot more options and feels very much better in use.

The STECS allows a lot more functions to come together in one place, for engines (obviously), ignition, fuel pumps, battery, alternators, etc etc… I haven’t mapped every button on it as yet, but I have been finding it useful for some aspects of visual control - the hats on the joystick I use for quick look left/right/up/down and translating inside the cockpit if necessary, and on the STECS I have two buttons for head tracking on/off and reset view.

I should add that as a throttle it is superb. Calibration, damping, setup is all easy and the variable detents are really nice to have and simple to swap around. There are enough controls on it that you can simultaneously bind all the specific functions to an appropriate button, rocker, hat, slider or rotary for everything from a warbird throttle to an airliner.

i’m looking to the vkb pannel to but the Logitech G Saitek Pro Flight Multi-Panel, is no better?
For less price you have info return with led… and a NICE TRIM lol

I’m lookin for th STEC too but the price !!!
And the “WINWING” [Orion2 15E/EX Throttle Comb]is realy making my brain going insane lol

NXT already has a nice electric trim style control using either the multi-mode hat switch or the older style toggle switch, both accessible by the thumb.

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THE problem is that the Gladiator NXT EVO joystick profile will NOT stay stored after all the time it takes to add and configure it.

Mine stays stored.

Mine to, and this is not a probl with the stick but with the software MSFS