VL3 - Rotax 915 mod

Ahh gotcha. There is a chance the real one doesn’t… because the real G3X is way more powerful than Asobo’s and it would actually be able to navigate. But I would think the real one does. In the pic above with darker red leather, I could see one of those round digital instruments to be a NAV radio.

I don’t think we should remove the sim nav radio… as the Asobo G3X isn’t very good at RNAV(GPS) navigation.

In the (real) picture above they look like a Comm radio and a transponder.

Yeah it could be that as well. But you get what I’m saying about the sim version… if Asobo coded the G3X correctly, and it could reliably load approaches, airways, SIDS/STARS (probably not too common for this type of plane but it should do it), I’d be more inclined to get rid of the NAV radio.

There is a guy that basically has this (the amazing interior)… he’s working on some more details and will post when ready :slight_smile:

Also @CodenameJack447 and @GotGravel and @PongRaider are you guys making these changes on GitHub? What I mean is where are people downloading the most recent changes?

Incoming update…

we are, since pongraider sent us an invite

Made quite a few adjustments related to drag. Flies great now, and the flaps / speedbrakes allow very fine control on final with power. Induced drag also increased…was way too low. You now lose more decent speed in high-g turns unless compensated with power. More stuff like that…enjoy the incoming update!

Gosh spend the whole day doing just the aerodynamics…why is this so much fun?

Aaaaaand the new Flightsim Update is out…we’ll see what needs to be changed for the mod.

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@ryanbatc Wow someone is already making the interior! Cool :slight_smile:

Yes I am adding all the changes to GitHub all the time, straight after testing. I’m not making the final release / package though. Probably about time for a new one I guess? So many improvements.

Well I’ve got some time today to work through it if you want…at least another 2-3 hours for once.

I’m just updating my sim at the moment

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The planes feels so much better now, no more rpm drops issues. good work!

Did some changes in the gauges, like Temps expressed to ºC instead of ºF or fixed Fuel quantity.

Anyway feel free to make anychange you consider.

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Cool. I have flown the mods I had in this latest MS patch without issues. But I don’t have the files you guys do.

Where do we find the most current revision of the mod?

Some little changes:

Fixed the MP arc nice!

@FutureFlyer828 On the GitHub. Guys are working on a new update




Why did you remove the red-arc on the RPM? The low idle is also yellow and not red so far i could tell.


It’s because a PoH someone shared with me, but i will add a redline in 5800rpm, what you are seeing there is a red arc between 5800-7000rpm. But is community mod, so for me, first is consensus between all of us.

The RPM limit is indeed 5800. The gauge seems to have another limit, show on the various cockpit pictures/movies. Not to say the needle will ever reach the maximum.

Does the POH show the instruments gauges, or only state were the red-limit starts?

Only limits, between 0-1500-5500-5800, but we can leave it exactly as the photo if you prefer: