VL3 - Rotax 915 mod

done! Lol!

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“After more than 100 hours of flight test with two planes, we manage with success to perform V-dive test reaching 381km/h IAS and 425km/h TAS, this enable us to safely increase our VNE up to 340km/h IAS."

cruise_speed = 205 ; Knots True (KTAS)
max_indicated_speed = 229 ; Red line (KIAS)
climb_speed = 21.72 ; Climb speed (Kts)

so i guess at FL18, KTAS 229 should be 205 Kts if am not wrong.

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Awesome work! So fast, just like the VL-3 :slight_smile: Really totally love what you guys have done, it’s my favorite plane now.

I’ll be happy to test things out. Will try to dig for as many real-numbers as I can find. Maybe can dig up a POH even.

Hell yea! Lol

airspeed_indicator_max = 238
best_angle_climb_speed = 21.72 ; Best angle climb speed (Kts) ???
approach_speed = 78 ; Approach speed (Kts) ???
best_glide = 85 ; Best Glide (Kts) ???

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http://www.vliegclubmoorsele.be/docs/VL3/POH-VL-3B-3%20sn%20VL-3-71.pdf POH for the VL-3 B-3. Older model but it’s pretty much the same frame. Can use it to correct some incorrect info like Aileron surface area (way off!) etc. I’ll be happy to go through and pass you the corrected settings (converting whatever is needed)

That’s would be awesome

Alright, working on it :+1:t2:

Here you go! All the data I could find from the POH corrected. Tested the plane
and it just feels “more real” now. So much fun to fly it! These changes are in addition to https://github.com/r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915/releases as well as the changes from CodenameJack447. We probably need to consolidate I guess.
Also please take note, after the changes below I could remove my previous Aileron fixes using controls_reactivity_scalar and aileron_span_outboard
they are no longer needed.

I left a comment for each line with the changes I made. Calculated from the actual POH.

wing_area = 105.5 ; Wing area S (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 105.2 to 105.5
htail_area = 18.19 ; Horizontal tail area (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 14 to 18.19
htail_span = 8.79 ; Horizontal tail span (FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 8 to 8.79
vtail_area = 9.43 ; Vertical tail area (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 13 to 9.43
fuselage_length = 20.34 ; Nose to tail (FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 20 to 20.34
fuselage_diameter = 3.77 > GOTGRAVEL: 3.4 to 3.77
elevator_area = 7.86 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 7.16 to 7.86
aileron_area = 2.23 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 7.04 to 2.23
rudder_area = 3.33 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET) > GOTGRAVEL: 10 to 3.33

aileron_effectiveness = 1.4 > GOTGRAVEL: 1 to 1.4

best_glide = 65 ; Best Glide (Kts) > GOTGRAVEL: 0 to 65

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Who is doing a merge of all the mod’s for the VL-3?

Myselve have tweak the panel.xml

  • To get the engine-data on the left screen
  • Modified the numbers and colours on the MP en RPM

Look like this:



Perfect!!! Nice
really miss the engine gauges on the left :slight_smile:

Also an idea for anyone who can do the paint work
the cockpit could use a lick of paint :slight_smile:

Would be cool if the white “foam” could be a darker shade (dark grey or black even), and the cockpit panel itself a carbon fiber look like in this video.

Dreaming away

Nice! Updating my files now! Thanks!

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I guess between ryanbatc(914) and pongraider(915) they are who are merging it. We are just testing values on the go.

Your panel looks awesome!

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According to page 55 about propeller moment of intertia:

Moment of inertia on propeller Min.1500 kg cm2 (3.559 lb ft2) Max. 7500 kg cm2 (18.238 lb ft2).

So what do we put here?

propeller_moi = 3.559 ; Propeller moment of inertia

Note, i’ve also modified the speedbugs/colour, according manuals and youtube vids.

min = 0
lowLimit = 22
white_start = 30
white_end = 65
green_start = 40
green_end = 113
yellow_start = 113
yellow_end = 170
red_start = 0
red_end = 0
highLimit = 170
max = 299

Awesome, i’m going to update these values too!

How can i also do the panel.xml tweakings?

Not completely sure about the “yellow” range, see also it begins at 230 km/h -> 124 kts


Is the 915s, right? because they said they could raise the VNE to 340Km/h

So far i could tell the photo’s are from the " D-MVLZ" or “D-MVLU”

See: https://www.facebook.com/pg/VL3.Deutschland/photos/?ref=page_internal