VL3 - Rotax 915 mod

I only tried the 914 and I clearly had the parking brake on. Even restarted the game and had the same issue.

At the moment I start the engine the plane accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 1 sec and crash. Tested it a few times and had to uninstall since it happened everytime so I couldn’t make a cold start anymore.

For sure. Same like him

Hmm. I made the 914 mod and don’t have this issue. Did you grab it from my Dropbox link above?

I’ll have to see if it can find what might be the issue

Well ■■■■…something to do with latest patch because yep I tried cold and dark and it’s just accelerating away lol. I have no clue what would be doing that.

What happens if you are already started up? (IE start on a runway)

It does the same, no matter if I start with the engine or the propeller at minimum. It accelerates, but I brake it without problem.

Anyway, if you think the reason is the latest update, maybe the bug is in the base file and maybe it is affecting all planes, but I didn’t test it.

I’m just saying between RTM and first patch something changed. If I had to guess it’s my piston power scalar setting of almost 2x that is making this happen. Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix this - I was just trying to get the KTAS up to engine spec because I dislike flying at 120 knots.

I’ll try to get the right TAS without changing that value…or play around with lowering it and see if it helps.

It’s so odd that brakes will hold with engine already on…compared to starting up. That makes no sense to me.

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Ok, after some research on the manuals and webpages, and although this still needs some tweaking i did a few modifications over the rotax 915 based model, at least the plane doesn’t move again when starting engine and, the top speed os 205ktas if you wanna try:

fuel_flow_scalar = 0.78
power_scalar = 1.1 ;
cylinder_displacement = 20.6 ; Cubic inches per cylinder
compression_ratio = 8.3 ; Compression ratio
min_cruise_rpm = 1800
critical_altitude = 25000 ;
max_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar = 0.96
BestPowerSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.42
fuel_press_max = 5832
thrust_scalar = 2.2 ; Propeller thrust scalar
gear_reduction_ratio = 2.43

min = 0
lowLimit = 22
white_start = 22
white_end = 66
green_start = 43
green_end = 183
yellow_start = 183
yellow_end = 204
red_start = 204
red_end = 228
highLimit = 229
max = 229

According to this url:

The plane should reach 380km/h max speed (205ktas) at FL18, but i don’t know how to implement it…

I’ll try it thanks. Curious where you got your airspeed numbers from though?

To be honest from anywhere, based on the url article, i just put them basing myself on the url article:

JMB calls the aircraft the VL3 Evolution and said, “After more than 100 hours of flight test with two planes, we manage with success to perform V-dive test reaching 381km/h IAS and 425km/h TAS, this enable us to safely increase our VNE up to 340km/h IAS.

So, i set the end green end 340km/h - 183kts, yellow end 381km/h - 204 and red end 425km/h - 228. Anyway, probably i’m wrong on my interpretations since the warnings start to sound at 175 kts when i reach 6000+ft.

Please feel free to make the corrections you consider neccesary

I don’t even know what to correct. I’ve practically begged JMB for some numbers… they’re probably like “eff off!”

Yeah I did see the TAS of 200ish at FL180 though… for my 914 mod I used book of 165ish ktas at FL110. Besides the startup issue it was working pretty well. But I like speeed! We need a Lancair Legacy in this sim so bad.

Lol. If you are enjoyning it, i’m glad!

Did another changes in flightmodel.cfg, to support 160lbs pilot & co-pilot without warning:

max_gross_weight = 1690 ; Empty weight, (LBS)
empty_weight = 794 ; Empty weight, (LBS)


pitch_stability = 0.3
roll_stability = 0.3
yaw_stability = 0.3

Thanks I’ll try these eventually. I actually flew a flight tonight instead of tweaking. (They said we wouldn’t have to do that this time, right? haha)

haha, right.

Wow thanks guys for this! Have been eyeing this racing livery and was surprised to find it here. Together with the 915iS mod this is the plane it was supposed to be. What a joy, and keep it up! Very good job.

I also can confirm the “Cold & Dark Catapult” bug. Normal startup on runway is ok though.

What do you mean runway startup? Maybe there is a bug off runway?

It’s been mentioned a few times before in this topic, happens when you start in Cold and Dark. Nothing to do with the runway. Try it out … will just catapult in 0 seconds to well beyond takeoff speed. Quit cool actually, like an ejection seat :slight_smile: Probably happened when Patch #2 was introduced. Was ok before that. Only this 915iS mod though so far.

Maybe you could try to test the values i paste before, since probably the 915 mod you downloaded doesn’t have the values updated. I can confirm the Cold and Dark Issue is fixed with these new values.

You just need to open the file included in the mod with notepad and replace values.

Ok will do. Got the one from Releases · r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915 · GitHub

I am currently modifying the roll rate as it felt a bit too slow for a plane this fast and light. Checked out some videos, and indeed the real plane rolls quite a bit faster. What I did so far was adding these 2 new entries to flight_model.cfg:

controls_reactivity_scalar = 5 ; Make surfaces 5x more reactive on this plane because it’s so light
aileron_span_outboard = 0.65 ; Seems to help with faster roll to match observations from YouTubes

Needs verification and further tuning I am sure, but it’s a start. Now if only I could find some real numbers for the roll-rate :slight_smile:

dude just thank you!

I’m also thinking about changing the airspeed values too, according the max speed of 425km/h and the normal cruise max speed of 381km/h:

min = 0
lowLimit = 22
white_start = 22
white_end = 66
green_start = 43
green_end = 184
yellow_start = 184
yellow_end = 229
red_start = 229
red_end = 238
highLimit = 238
max = 240

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