VL3 - Rotax 915 mod

Thank you !
I updated the mod on my website accordingly and also copied yours (if you are okay of course) :slight_smile:

For reference :

It would be really cool if we could see them as new planes.
I noticed a problem yesterday on the Rotax 915. Sometimes the plane accelerates from 0 to about 40 knots in an instant.

Hurried landing :grin:

Fine with me. To be truthful I’ve only used your very first mod in conjunction with my speed tape edits.

I think I figured it out how to make R914 and R915 appear as new planes.

Rename folder in Airplanes folder to say VL3_R915 then in aircraft.cfg change

title = "VL3 Rotax-915" ; Variation name
model = "\..\..\Asobo_VL3\model" ; model folder
panel = "\..\..\Asobo_VL3\panel" ; panel folder
sound = "\..\..\Asobo_VL3\sound" ; sound folder
texture = "\..\..\Asobo_VL3\texture" ; texture folder

ui_manufacturer = "JMB Aircraft" ; e.g. Boeing, Cessna
ui_type = "VL3 Rotax 915" ; e.g. 747-400, 172

Don’t forget to copy cameras.cfg when making a new plane.

I am somehow still getting old strip in G3X with Vne ~200KIAS. I am using latest nanor-vl3rotax915. How do I get G3X strip to show proper markings?

At 200KTAS VL-3 with Rotax 915 is a hell of a cruiser. GPH seems to be way high however. I am getting 25gph at full power vs. supposedly 9.7gph and so on. Anybody have POH with performance charts for VL-3 with Rotax 915 and Rotax 914?

I wanted to add some feedback too: If I have the plane with handbrake on and some engine power, the plane doesn’t stay stationary, it’s like it doesn’t exist, it just starts to take speed no matter the brakes. On the other hand, after landing, putting the handbrake on, and turning off the engine, etc, I decided to turn it on to resume the flight. To my surprise, the plane simply took off instantly, crashing into the nearest fuel pump. I don’t understand about plane mechanics, but i would dare to say that you should have to retouch the brakes to withstand so much torque. Anyway, I love the work you’re doing. Keep on it.

should i change this according with what you say??

beta_max = 28 ; --> 40
beta_min = 12 ;

Correct. I haven’t tried it in ryanbatc’s mod but it solved the issue in mine a few weeks back.

So I googled for VL-3 POH and couldn’t find any but I found manuals for all 3 Rotax engines. Rotax 914 and 912 manuals have better performance charts.

From what I learned VL-3 uses R915iS and tops out at 205KTAS burning 9+ gph at 35 manifold pressure at 5500rpm, R914UL tops out at 165KTAS and burns 6.5-7gph at 35 manifold pressure at 5500rpm, R912ULS tops out at 145KTAS at 5.5gph at 28 manifold at 5500rpm

Here is a performance table

Power RPM 912 MP/FF 914 MP/FF 915 MP/FF=KIAS
100% 5500 28.0/5.5gph 35/7gph 35/9-9.7gph=205KIAS
75% 5000 27.2/4.0gph 31/5.3gph ???
65% 4800 26.5/3.7gph 29/4.5gph 29/4.7gph = 146KIAS
55% 4300 26.3/2.6gph 28/3.5gph 28/3.7gph = 125KIAS

I don’t know what .cfg to tweak to reflect those performance figures.

I hope somebody would tweak .cfgs for all 3 engines. Note that 512 has lower Vne=305km/h than same Vne=340km/h for 514 and 515, so 512 variant would need different speed strip in G3X

thanks! setting it asap.

Yeah I haven’t done a lot with FF on my 914 mod. But I did get close to 165ktas (the book value happens at 11,000 ft). My mod does roll a little but I’ve got a sticky throttle axis on my CH throttle
so it happens in XP11 as well.

The 915 mod - well I think the guy said its experimental
it’s kinda like a rocketship. I did update the airspeed tape numbers and provide the guy with them - he said he updated his links
perhaps try a re-download?

So what parameter(s) in engines.cfg controls RPM to Manifold Pressure to fuel flow ratios?

I confirm that my mod is up to date according to what has been said here.

The source code for the mod is now on github: https://github.com/r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915
Everyone can participate and it will be easier to handle modifications.

I reported the 2 main issues : https://github.com/r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915/issues

Releases can be found here : https://github.com/r9r-dev/fs2020-vl3-rotax915/releases


Awesome! Thank you!

Tried it but couldn’t make it work. Everytime I start the engine (even with parking brakes on) the plane start to taxi at high speed and crash. Wasn’t able to get a safe start lol

Will wait for a more stable version but really appreciate the work you are doing on the VL-3 which is still my “go to” plane in MFS2020.

With the 914 or 915?

Both ones.

And your parking break is on? On my mod (914) I won’t roll with that on.