VL3 - Rotax 915 mod

Based on videos and a bit of consensus but, still we don’t know the accurate values.

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hey! what should be the exact convertion of the 0.48 kgm2?

propeller_moi = xxxx ;

Edit: Got it!

propeller_moi Propeller moment of inertia, (slug ft2).

Result: 0.48 kilogram square meter = 0.3540298281 slug square foot


propeller_moi = 0.3540 ;

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Do we know if this plane has proppeler feathering?

I wonder. In the meantime I found more prop manufacturer info: http://www.woodcomp.cz/in-flight-adjustable-propellers/ which matches the size mentioned in https://issuu.com/flyerdigital/docs/flyerseptember2020 on page 34. So the actual size should be 1738mm (5.70ft), 3 blades. They have many models but this particular size comes the closest.

Adjusting my own local files for testing.

For best results install the Rotax 915, hydraulic governor and Woocomp KW31 hydraulic propeller.


Cool document…means we should also adjust the minimum angle from 12 to 8. Max angle is already correct at 40. Size indeed 1738mm (5.70ft).

yeah, and the propeller moi has to be adjusted too:


I wonder what would be the correct prop_tc here:

gear reduction ratio = 5800rpm / 2550rpm = 2.2745
propeller_moi = 0,36878 ;

Anyway, the settings applied will affect the trust scalar so we will have to reduce or increase it.

Yes was working on the Thrust Scalar just now…needs to go down from 2.2 to 2.0 with the new prop data. Can you confirm? (could cruise at 200kts at FL180)

I’m not home right now, but I’ll try it out in an hour or so: smiley:.

Anyway, I am collecting all the data that I can

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BTW, in aircraft.cfg there are toe brake settings in case we’d want to adjust sensitivity:

parking_brake = 1 //Parking brake available
toe_brakes_scale =0.885 //Brake scalar This is what to adjust either a smaller number or


You want me to give you access rights to the github source? You will be able to modify the files directly. I can also track your modifications and apply them there, as you prefer.

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Awesome! In the mean time, here is a summary of our propeller tweaks:


thrust_scalar = 2.0
propeller_diameter = 5.7021
propeller_moi = 0.36878
beta_min = 8
gear_reduction_ratio = 2.2745

Once tested and confirmed, I’ll update GitHub accordingly.

Hey, thanks but i think it won’t be neccesary, as we are testing things on the go, i prefer post my thoughts here before modifying anything :slight_smile:

Also, English is not my native language, so anything i could comment on github wouldn’t be as accurate as you could do :slight_smile:

No worries, and your English is just fine! Not my native language anyway either haha.

I try! At least i’m trying my best with verbal tenses and connectors!

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Haha I’m french so me neither.

As you wish so, but be aware that even if you modify the code, as long as the mod is not published in a new version, nothing will be reported in the zip file.

Bonjour! Ok thanks for letting us know, we’ll just keep doing our work in the meantime then :slight_smile:

Spanish here :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy to have neighbourgs here

Dutch myself. Close enough?

Sure! Haha